ogy will certainly carry home their most vivid impressions from Thermopylae, which was not only the site of one of the greatest battles of the ancient world, but is also be- lieved to be a location that led directly to the underworld, via the Gulf of Corinth. Apart from enjoying breathtak- ing nature, your impressions will be completed by visiting the specialised museums that have received heavy invest- ments from the Greek government. Also located nearby is the famous Corinth Canal, which might make you feel dizzy, but will reward you with a view that will leave you
struggling to decide whether the power of nature or of the human hand is more fascinating. Given that an overabundance of historical facts, muse- ums and architectural structures can sometimes be over- whelming, the Peloponnese also offers beaches from par- adise, where you might not be able to swim in March, but beaches can allow all your impressions to settle in peace, with crystal clear waters and the unrivalled delicacies of Greek cuisine. Among the most warmly recommended is certainly Simos Beach, on the island of Elafonisos…
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