Elevate March 2024 | Air Serbia


Dragan Starčević, captain Three questions for...

Tri pitanja za...

Dragana Starčevića, kapetana

Dolazi nam proleće. Koja vam destinacija prvo pada na pamet u ovom, mnogima najlepšem godišnjem dobu? – Meni lično se najviše sviđaju Moskva, London i Pa- riz, jer sam mogao da se uverim kako su to fenomenalni gradovi u svakom pogledu, a pogotovo tokom proleća. Procvetali parkovi i neka posebna atmosfera su magični u ovo doba godine. Zašto ste odlučili da postanete pilot i sećate li se kada ste prvi put bili sigurni da su avioni va- ša budućnost? – Odlučio sam da postanem pilot još u osnovnoj školi. Ali tek kada sam uspešno završio lekarski pregled, koji je tada trajao tri dana, i kada sam dobio stipendiju naše nacionalne avio-kompanije, postao sam siguran da će avioni biti moja budućnost. Možete li da uporedite upravljanje avionom sa vožnjom automobila? Ima li nekih sličnosti? Osećaj brzine? – Potrebni su disciplina, obuka, znanje, iskustvo i do- bra koordinacija u oba slučaja, ali u avijaciji je iza pilo- ta ogroman tim koji diše kao jedan organizam, počev od komercijale, tehnike, dispečera, kabinskog i letač- kog osoblja, kontrole leta itd. Avijacija je najsigurniji i na- judobniji vid saobraćaja i brzina na velikoj visini se oseća tek kada se gleda dole ili sa strane. Najviše, naravno, pri- likom poletanja i sletanja.

 With spring arriving, which destination first crosses your mind in this season that many consider as be- ing the most beautiful? “I personally most like Moscow, London and Paris, be- cause I’ve been able to see for myself that they are pheno- menal cities in every sense, and particularly during spring. Blooming parks and a special atmosphere are magical at this time of year.”  Why did you decide to become a pilot; do you re- member when you first became convinced that your future would be aboard aeroplanes? “I decided to become a pilot as far back as primary sc- hool. But it was only when I successfully completed the medical examination, which then lasted three days, and received a scholarship from our national airline that I beca- me certain that aeroplanes would be my future.”  Could you compare fying a plane with driving a car? Are there any similarities? The sense of speed? “It is necessary to have discipline, good training, knowledge, experience and good coordination in both ca- ses, but in aviation there is a huge team behind us pilots, which breathes as a single organism, starting with com- mercial and technical staff, dispatchers, cabin and flight crews, flight control etc. Aviation is the safest and most comfortable form of transport and the speed at high altitu- de is only felt when looking down or from the side. It is most perceptible of all, of course, during take-off and landing.”

U avijaciji je iza nas pilota ogroman tim koji diše kao jedan organizam In aviation there is a huge team behind us pilots, which breathes

as a single organism

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