Elevate March 2024 | Air Serbia

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Sjajan je osećaj biti u oblacima Being in the clouds is a brilliant feeling

Ko je Husa Husein Alijević, poznat kao Husa „Beat Street“, srpski je pevač i jedan od osnivača pomenute gru- pe. Nakon što se povu- kao sa scene, pisao je pe- sme za mnoge izvođače, a u žižu se vratio u ulozi Džeja Ramadanovskog u filmu „Ne- delja“. Iako nije glumac, Husa se odlično snašao i predstavio le- gendarnog Džeja, kojeg je i privat- no dobro poznavao. – MNOGO VOLIM DA LE- TIM jer je sjajan osećaj biti u oblacima, a i brzo stignem na odredište. Odmalena mi je bio fas- cinantan taj pogled iz ptičje per- spektive, naročito kad se prelazi preko morskih ili planinskih pej- zaža. Uživam da sedim pored pro- zora i pokušavam da prepoznam po vrhovima planina gde se u tom trenutku nalazim. Dobro je pro- meniti perspektivu, mnoge stva- ri počnu da izgledaju sasvim dru- gačije... Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – U avion ne idem bez ranca u kome imam slušalice i knjigu. Volim da prelistam avionski časo- pis i da se upoznam sa mestom u koje letim, naročito ako ni- sam nikada bio u njemu. Slu- šanje muzike u avionu budi moju muzičku kreativnost, pa sam tako i neke lepe pe- sme napisao upravo u toj atmosferi.

“I REALLY LOVE TO FLY be- cause it’s a brilliant feeling to be in the clouds, and I also arrive in my destination quickly. I found that bird’s eye view fascinating from an early age, particularly when travers- ing seas or mountainous landscapes. I enjoy sitting by the window and trying to recognise where I’m cur- rently at from the mountain peaks. It’s good to shift your perspective, which causes many things to start to look completely different...” What don’t you board a plane without? “I don’t get on a plane with- out a backpack, which contains my headphones and a book. I like to flip through the airline magazine and get acquainted with the place to which I’m flying, particularly if I’ve never previously been there. Listening to music on a plane awakens my musical creativi- ty, so I’ve written some beau- tiful songs in that atmosphere.”

Husein Alijević, muzičar/ musician

WHO IS HUSA Husein Alijević, better known as Husa Beat Street, is a Ser-

bian singer and one of the founders of the noted band. He wrote songs for many art- ists after withdrawing from the scene, only to return to the limelight in the role of Džej Ram- adanovski in the film Sunday. Despite not being an actor, Husa

handled himself wonderfully in repre- senting the legendary Džej, who he also knew well privately.

Tekst / Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije / Photography: Privatna arhiva

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