„HEROES: Hajsbert Hanekrot i Goranka Matić“ / HEROES: Gijsbert Hanekroot and Goranka Matić IZLOŽBA / EXHIBITION
Izložba fotografija domaće i strane rok scene sedamdesetih i osamde- setih godina 20. veka, „HEROES: Hajsbert Hanekrot i Goranka Matić“, otvorena je u Galeriji DOTS na Donjem Dorćolu do 27. aprila. Ova izložba predstavlja paralelno opuse dvoje fotografa koji su zabeleži- li značajne trenutke domaće i strane rok scene, od portreta Dejvida Bo- uvija, „Rolingstonsa“, Fredija Merkjurija, pa sve do legendarnih koncera- ta „Idola“, „EKV-a“, „Električnog orgazma“ i ostalih rok grupa sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije. Holandski fotograf Hajsbert Hanekrot je krajem šezdesetih i tokom se- damdesetih godina bio sa svojom kamerom skoro svuda gde je u tom trenutku u svetu rok muzike trebalo da bude, i to ne samo u Holandiji. Kroz njegov objektiv ostali su zabeleženi brojni koncerti i zvezde, od „Ab- ba“ do Frenka Zape, odnosno neka od najznačajnijih imena internacio- nalne rok scene sedamdesetih godina. Jedna od naših najpoznatijih fotografkinja, Goranka Matić, objavljivala je svoje fotografije u gotovo svim novinama i časopisima bivše Jugoslavije. Tokom osamdesetih godina njen najznačajniji rad je bio baš u oblasti rok fotografije, naročito u okviru scene Novog talasa. Ona je takođe autor nekih od kultnih omota ploča vodećih muzičara tog perioda.
A photography exhibition entitled HEROES: Gijsbert Hanekroot and Goranka Matić, illustrating the local and international rock scene of the 1970s and ‘80s, is open at Donji Dorćol’s DOTS Gal- lery and runs until 27 th April. The exhibition presents in parallel the oeuvres of two photogra- phers who recorded significant moments of the local and interna- tional rock scene, from portraits of David Bowie, the Rolling Stones and Freddie Mercury, to the legendary concerts of Idoli, EKV, Elek- trični Orgazam and other rock groups from the area of the former Yugoslavia. During the late ‘60s and throughout the ‘70s, Dutch photogra- pher Gijsbert Hanekroot, together with his camera, turned up al- most everywhere he needed to be in the then world of rock music, and not only in the Netherlands. Through his lens, he immortalised numerous concerts and stars, from Abba to Frank Zappa, record- ing some of the most important names of the international rock scene of the ‘70s. One of our country’s most famous lady photographers, Goran- ka Matić, saw her photos published in almost all newspapers and magazines of the former Yugoslavia. During the 1980s, her most significant work was in the field of rock photography, principal- ly within the scope of the New Wave scene. She is also the au- thor of some of the most iconic album covers of that period’s lead- ing musicians.
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