Serbian history records countless ladies who’ve left a deep and indelible mark on the country, and here we bring you just a select few from that rich treasure trove of strong, successful and powerful women
Srpska istorija beleži nemerljiv broj dama koje su ostavile dubok i neizbrisiv trag, a mi donosimo tek nekolicinu izabranih iz te bogate riznice snažnih, uspešnih i moćnih
T he occasion of 8 th March provides reason for us to highlight significant women of Serbia who overcame prejudices and pushed boundaries with their educa- tional achievements, emancipation, accomplishments and abilities, prov- ing that women should have equal rights and conditions. These are just some of those who’ve changed the world in which we live and to whom we can be grateful for what we have today... MILUNKA SAVIĆ Born in the Raška village of Ko- privnica on 28 th June 1889, the out- break of the First Balkan War (1912) prompted her to opt for a revolution- ary endeavour: in order to save her brother from the army and thus pre- serve the family’s only male heir, she cut off her long, lush hair, donned a sajkača cap and, disguised as a man and going by the name Milun, joined the volunteers of her region. She fought like the most skilled sol- dier until her true identity was dis- covered in the Second Balkan War, in the Battle of Bregalnica, after she was wounded and hospital staff discov- ered her deftly guarded secret: that hiding behind Milun the hero was a girl called Milunka. After sustaining her first wounds, she was awarded a medal for bravery and given the rank of corporal in the Serbian army. The outbreak of World War I meant new tests of courage for Milunka. Hav- ing not received a military call-up, she initially went to the headquar- ters of General Stepa Stepanović and was rejected, only to head to Kragu- jevac and the headquarters of Duke Radomir Putnik. She was categori- cal in seeking his schedule. Refusing the position of a nurse, she clearly expressed her intentions: “I want a rifle!” That’s when Milunka, without hiding her identity, became a member of the Serbian army, assigned to the 2 nd Infantry Regiment of the Drina Division, in which British lady Flora Sandes also fought. She spent most of the war there, with the exception
#INVESTINWOMEN Zamislite rodno ravnopravan svet. Svet bez pristrasnosti, stereotipa i diskriminacije. Svet koji je raznolik, pravičan i inkluzivan. Svet u ko- me se ceni i slavi razlika. Zajedno možemo da stvorimo ravnopravnost. Jer je u svetu ko- ji se suočava sa višestrukim krizama postiza- nje rodne ravnopravnosti važnije nego ikad. Obezbeđivanje prava žena i devojčica u svim aspektima života jedini je način da se osigura- ju prosperitetne ekonomije i zdrava planeta za buduce generacije. Vreme za promene je sada! Pridružite se 8. marta Ujedinjenim nacijama i njihovoj inici- jativi da se okupimo iza poziva „Investiraj- te u žene: Ubrzajte napredak“. Zauzmite stav i pridružite se razgovoru uz hešteg #Inve- stInWomen. Evo nekih ključnih oblasti u ko- jima je potrebna zajednička akcija, poruču- je UN. Ulaganje u žene, ljudska prava Vreme ističe. Rodna ravnopravnost ostaje najveci izazov za ljudska prava. Ulaganje u žene je kamen te- meljac za izgradnju inkluzivnih društava. Na- predak žena koristi svima. Rodno odgovorno finansiranje Zbog sukoba i rastucih cena goriva i hrane nedavne proce- ne pokazuju da ce 75 odsto zemalja ograničiti javnu potrošnju do 2025. Štednja negativno utiče na žene i ugrožava socijalnu zaštitu. Zelena ekonomija Sadašnji ekonomski si- stem pogoršava siromaštvo, nejednakost i degradaciju životne sredine, nesrazmer- no pogađajuci žene i marginalizovane grupe. Traži se pomak ka zelenoj i odgovornoj ekono- miji koja pojačava glasove žena.
#INVESTINWOMEN Imagine a world of gender equality; a world without bias, stereotypes and discrimina- tion; a world that’s diverse, just and inclusive; a world where difference is valued and celebrat- ed. We can create equality together. That’s be- cause achieving gender equality is more vital than ever in a world that’s facing multiple cri- ses. Ensuring the rights of women and girls in all aspects of life is the only way to ensure pros- perous economies and a healthy planet for fu- ture generations. Now is the time for change! This 8 th March, join the call of the UN for us to rally behind the call “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”. Take a stand and join the conversation with the hash- tag #InvestInWomen. Here are some key areas where the UN says joint action is required: Investing in women, a human rights issue Time is running out. Gender equality remains the greatest human rights challenge. Invest- ing in women is a human rights imperative and cornerstone for building inclusive societies. Progress for women benefits us all. Gender-responsive financing Due to con- flicts and rising fuel and food prices, recent estimates suggest that 75 per cent of coun- tries will limit public spending by 2025. Auster- ity negatively impacts women and imperils so- cial protection. Green economy The current economic sys- tem exacerbates poverty, inequality and envi- ronmental degradation, disproportionately im- pacting women and marginalised groups. A shift towards a green economy that amplifies women’s voices is being sought.
ja mesto bolničarke i jasno formu- liše svoju nameru: „Hoću pušku!“ Tada Milunka prvi put bez skri- vanja svog identiteta postaje član srpske vojske, II pešadijskog puka Drinske divizije, u kome se bori- la i Flora Sands. Tu provodi veći deo rata, sa izuzetkom 1915, kada kao bombaš učestvuje u odbrani Beograda. Na Drini je svoje gru- di ukrasila prvom Karađorđevom zvezdom s mačevima. Poslednje dane života provela je u stančiću u naselju Braće Jer-
ković, koji joj je dodelila država. Imala je 84 godine. Posmrtni ostaci srpske heroine 40 godina od nje- ne smrti uz najviše vojne i držav- ne počasti iz porodične grobnice preneti su u Aleju velikana na No- vom groblju. Tako je, bar simbo- lično, jedinoj ženi nosiocu fran- cuskog Ratnog krsta sa zlatnom palmom ukazana čast za njena ep- ska dela. Nedavno je uvršćena u listu 10 najvećih žena boraca svih vremena, koju je sastavio čuveni američki sajt „Listverse”.
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