USKRS JE POKRETNI PRA- ZNIK , tako da ne pada na isti da- tum svake godine. Po gregorijan- skom kalendaru, uvek se obeležava u nedelju između 22. marta i 25. aprila, ali se u pravoslavnoj crkvi može slaviti između 4. aprila i 8. maja. Ove godine to ce biti 31. mar- ta i 5. maja. Uskrs je (sa Božicem) najvažni- ji praznik u hrišcanstvu i slavi va- skrsenje Isusa Hrista. A da li znate zašto se u zapadnoj tradiciji obe- ležava sa jajima, zečicima, ljiljani- ma i šunkom? Uskršnja jaja Jaje je bilo univerzalni simbol u mnogim religijama kroz mileni- jume, označavajuci novi život, po- novno rođenje i plodnost. Mnoge zemlje Uskrs slave organizujući lov na jaja, često plastična i punjena slatkišima, a deca ih traže na pi- knicima ili po kući. Uskršnji zeka Uskrs dolazi tokom proleca i slavi novi život. Koje životinje u prolece bolje predstavljaju plod- nost od zeca koji daje toliko po- tomaka? Uskršnji zec, koji pose- cuje decu na uskršnje jutro, izum je nemačkih protestanata, a sim- bolika nije posebno religiozna, to je prosto nešto što je zabavno ra- diti sa decom. Uskršnja šunka Još od prethrišćanskih vreme- na svinja je drevni simbol sreće i prosperiteta. Stoga je dimljena, kuvana ili pečena šunka za veći- nu evropskih naroda tradicional- no uskršnje jelo. Uskršnji ljiljan Veličanstveni uskršnji ljiljan sa svojim čistim belim laticama sim- bolizuje život, čistotu, nevinost, ra- dost i mir. Beli cvetovi ljiljana bi- li su povezani sa ovim osobinama mnogo pre Isusa Hrista. Jedna le- genda nam govori da je ljiljan na- stao iz mleka Here, mitološke bo- ginje neba. To može objasniti zašto je ljiljan tako blisko povezan sa Ma- rijom u rimokatoličkoj tradiciji.
EASTER IS A “MOVEABLE FEAST”, which means that it doesn’t fall on the same date each year. According to the Gregorian cal- endar, it is always observed on one of the Sundays that fall between 22 nd March and 25 th April, but it can also be observed between 4 th April and 8 th May in the Orthodox Church. This year’s Easter will take place on 31 st March for Western Christians and on 5 th May for followers of the Orthodox faith. Easter (together with Christ- mas) represents the most impor- tant day in the Christian church, celebrating the resurrection of Je- sus Christ. There are many beauti- ful Easter symbols that have signif- icance, but do you know why is it celebrated with eggs, bunnies, lil- ies and ham? Easter eggs The egg has been a universal symbol of many religions across mil- lennia, symbolising new life, rebirth and fertility. Many countries also play Easter egg hunts, when boiled and decorated eggs, chocolate eggs or plastic eggs often filled with can- dy treats are hidden at picnics for children to find. Easter bunny Easter comes during spring and celebrates new life. And which
springtime animal better represents fertility than the rabbit, which pro- duces so many offspring? However, the “Easter Bunny”, who tradition- ally visits children on Easter morn- ing, is actually an invention of Ger- man Protestants. The symbolism is not particularly religious, but the Easter Bunny is something fun for kids to enjoy. Easter Ham Easter ham is an age-old cus- tom that’s been handed down from pre-Christian times. The pig is an ancient symbol of good luck and prosperity. Smoked, cooked or roast hams have been eaten by most European nations since an- cient times and represent a tra- ditional Easter delicacy. Easter Lily The magnificent Easter lily, with its sheer white petals, sym- bolises life, purity, innocence, joy and peace. The white flow- ers of the lily were connected with these characteristics well before the emergence of Jesus Christ. One fable tells us that the lily sprang from the milk of Hera, the mythological Queen of Heaven. This may explain why the lily is so closely associated with Mary in the Roman Catho- lic tradition.
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