The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.1

100 The Fundamentals views, you will find them in many books which have appeared to annihilate the conservative believers-in this whirl and confusion of theories, is i t any wonder that many should be disquieted and unsettled, and feel as if the ground on which they have been wont to rest was giving way beneath their feet? And so the question comes back with fresh urgency. What is to be said of the place and value of Holy Scripture? IS THERE A TENABLE DOCTRINE FOR THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF TODAY? One of the urgent needs of our time, and a prime need of the Church, is just a replacement of Holy Scripture, with due regard, I grant, to any really ascertained facts in regard to its literary history, in the faith and lives of men, as the truly inspired and divinely sealed record of God's revealed will for men in great things of the soul. But then, is such a position tenable? In the fierce light of criticism that beats upon the documents and upon the revelation of God's grace they profess to contain, can this position be maintained? I venture to think, indeed, I am very sure, it can. Let me try to indicate-for I can do hardly any more-the lines along which I would answer the question, Have we or can we have a tenable doctrine of Holy Scripture? For a satisfactory doctrine of Holy Scripture-and by that I mean a doctrine which is satisfactory for the needs o•f the Christian Church, a doctrine which answers to the claim the Scripture makes for itself, to the place it holds in Christian life and Christian experience, to the needs of the Christian Church for edification and evangelization, and in other ways-I say, for a satisfactory doctrine of Holy Scripture i t seems to me that three things are indispensably necessary. There is necessary, first, a more positive view of the structure of the Bible than at present obtains in many circles. There is necessary, second, the acknowledgment of

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