The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.1


The Fundamentais

not, so long as we have any real appreciation of the lofty system of moral truth which is taught in this wonderful book­ a book which, more than any other ever produced, has taught the entire world common honesty, whether in literary work or other acts. Therefore we say, regarding this whole matter of the Bible's speaking falsely, Judaeus Apella credat, non ego! Let the higher critics believe that if they will, but surely not we! Robert Burns has a poem, in which he says of lying in general: "Some books are lies frae end to end, Surely, the higher critics would not undertake to reduce our Christian Scriptures to the level of a book that has in it no truth from beginning to end; and yet it must be confessed that one serious tendency of their theory is greatly to lessen the general credibility of this sacred volume. 2. But another presumption lying against the truthfulness of this higher criticism is, that it makes all the civilized ages from Ezra down to the present time to be so utterly lacking both in historic knowledge and literary sagacity, that, except­ ing a few higher critics, no one ever supposed the whole world was being deceived by this untrue story of the Tabernacle's real existences; when, if the facts were told, all these numer­ ous ages have not only been themselves deceived, but have been also instrumental, one after another, in propagating that same old falsehood down the centuries I Again we say: Judaeus Apellc,. credat, non ego! The higher-critic preten­ sions to having a greater wisdom and knowledge than is pos­ sessed by all the rest of the world, are very well known; but And some great lies were never penned; E'en ministers, they hae been kenned, In holy rapture, A rousing whid at times to vend, An' nail it wi' Scripture."

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