Harmonson Law Firm - January 2020

In October 2019, Harmonson Law Firm helped sponsor a MADD event here in El Paso. MADD, or Mothers Against Drunk Driving, has been an advocacy group against driving drunk and many other issues related to alcohol and drug abuse for 39 years. The event was Walk Like MADD, a walk and run dedicated to bringing more awareness to the dangers of drunk driving. At the October event, MADD raised over $38,000 for awareness and prevention efforts. SUPPORTING A GREAT CA It’s a MADD Worl

Hosting an exchange student in your home may not be something you’ve considered before, but there are many reasons why adding an international member to your family is great for everyone involved.

Develop Understanding

One of the most valuable traits we can learn is to be understanding of others. Learning about other countries and cultures offers an opportunity to be more receptive to the idea that, no matter how far apart people live or how much the languages we speak differ, at our core, we have a lot in common. Navigating life with this open mindset has far-reaching value that your entire family will benefit from. Welcoming a new member into your home paves the way for new friendships to blossom. Even though the duration may often feel short, the friendships developed during an exchange are strong, and it’s not uncommon for host families and students to keep in touch for years after they’ve parted ways. Having friends in different parts of the world is also convenient when it comes to travel — you might get lucky enough to have a nice place to stay when you’re in their neck of the woods! It’s not just your family that will reap the benefits of opening your home to an exchange student; the student has much to gain as well. They’ll immerse themselves in your culture and get to see how your community lives harmoniously together. You’ll play an important role in showing them what life is like in your backyard while gleaning important perspectives on what life is like in theirs. Cultivate Friendship Broaden Horizons

In Texas alone, over 1,400 people die every year due to drunk driving. In fact, drunk driving accounts for about 38% of all traffic-related fatalities in the state.

Since MADD was founded in 1980, the number of drunk driving fatalities has gone down. In 1982, there were 21,113 deaths as a result of drunk driving nationwide. In 2014, that number was just under 10,000, representing one of the lowest years for drunk driving fatalities on record.

However, 10,000 deaths per year due to drunk driving is still a lot. Drunk driving represents a choice, one that is incredibly irresponsible. No one ever has to



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