BookLife Publishing Catalogue 2022

ANIMAL HOMES This exciting new series explores the variety of habitats in our world and explains how animals have adapted to be able to make their homes in each and every one of them. Here readers can get their first taste of the diversity of life that our planet has to offer. 5–9y

UNDER THE MICROSCOPE Look a little closer…This exciting series zooms in on the little things in life. Peek through the microscope and take a look at the tiny things all around us: the amazing little lives of bacteria and viruses, fungi and parasites. How many bacteria are there on a human hand? What viruses can be found on a mobile phone? And what is living in your eyelashes? Not for the faint-hearted, this series looks at little critters we all live with, and can’t live without. 5–8+y

£12.99 Author: John Wood Rights: World Ex. USA & Canada, Dutch Language/ Benelux Market Age: 5–8+y, 250 x 250mm 24 pages, Hardback PUBLISHED: DECEMBER 2018

£12.99 Author: John Wood Rights: World Ex. USA & Canada Age: 5–9y 219 x 219mm 24 pages, Hardback PUBLISHED: NOVEMBER 2017

Deserts 978-1-78637-134-8

Forests 978-1-78637-131-7

Mountains 978-1-78637-135-5

Bacteria 978-1-78637-456-1

Fungi 978-1-78637-457-8

Parasites 978-1-78637-458-5

Viruses 978-1-78637-459-2

ANIMALS WITH SUPERPOWERS In uncertain times, new heroes must rise. The humans have tried, but there was only so much they could do. The world needs a new generation of superheroes... Join me, Professor Ax, in my quest to find and recruit the next generation of animals with superpowers! 5–8+y

£12.99 Author: Emilie Dufresne Rights: World Ex. USA & Canada

(Trade Rights Available) Age: 5–8+y, 219 x 219mm 24 pages, Hardback PUBLISHED: APRIL 2019

Oceans 978-1-78637-133-1

Rainforests 978-1-78637-130-0

The Arctic 978-1-78637-136-2

BUGS AND BEETLES This series explores the amazing lives of the most interesting bugs and beetles around. Whether it is the amazing transformation of caterpillar to moth, or the incredible teamwork in a colony of ants, these tiny creatures will always surprise you. Follow the QR codes throughout this book to see these bugs and beetles in action. 5–8+y

£12.99 Author: William Anthony Rights: World Ex. USA & Canada Age: 5–8+y 219 x 219mm 24 pages, Hardback PUBLISHED: JULY 2019

Invisibility! 978-1-78637-615-2

Mega Weapons! 978-1-78637-618-3

Regenerate! 978-1-78637-617-6

See in the Dark! 978-1-78637-616-9

ANIMALS EAT WHAT?! From puke and poo to blood and guts, animals will eat almost anything. Learn all about rubbish- raiding racoons and dung-dining dogs as you tuck into these gruesome books. This series takes a look at the gourmet meals of the animal kingdom where table manners don’t exist and you won’t be asking for dessert! Doggie bag anyone? 5–8+y

£12.99 Author: Holly Duhig Rights: World Ex. USA & Canada Age: 5–8+y, 250 x 250mm 24 pages, Hardback PUBLISHED: JANUARY 2019

Bees and Wasps 978-1-78637-720-3

Ants 978-1-78637-725-8

Beetles 978-1-78637-724-1

Rubbish and Waste 978-1-78637-516-2

Sick and Poop 978-1-78637-514-8

Blood and Guts 978-1-78637-517-9

Bones and Bodies 978-1-78637-515-5

Crickets 978-1-78637-723-4

Flies 978-1-78637-721-0

Moths 978-1-78637-722-7



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