Covering 75
JUNE 1961 · 60c
orth surfers, skateboarders, bikers, and all manner of outdoors-ers. It's the glory of nature that makes North County what it is. It's County: land of
watercolor style. Is it a recreation? That's a stretch, I admit. It's inspiration, a foundation, a jumping-off point. For me, it's really about the birds. Living dinosaurs, dizzyingly diverse, specialized to every corner of the planet, complex, social, beautiful, flying magic beings. And they're in trouble. Bird populations have plummeted globally due to habitat loss and climate change. And that is
the lifestyle . That's the mood of this original 1961 cover, one of my very favorites from the archive. I'm a North County girl, raised on Stonesteps cobble and red dirt Manzanita trails. It seemed like a natural fit to pay homage in my own
22 MAY 2023
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