l :00 o.m. in the dining room and 2:00 o.m. at the bar. Seafood dinners from $.85 to $2.00 with the emphasis on the Bouilli boisse Marseillaise, a combination seafood dish. The tables by the big plate gloss windows ore the best for o superb view of the boy. Foot of Pacific Highway, next to the Ferry slip. Reservations best, F-5334. Sky Room-Eating and drinking in the sky, atop the El Cortez Hotel. Open from l O o.m. to l p.m. week days, and until 2 o.m. on Saturdays. Every day except Sunday smorgosboord is served at noon at $1.40 o plate, and dinners from $2.75 up ore served from 6 to 9 p.m. Bar. M-0161. U. S. Gra'1t Coffee Shop-Service is prompt for downtown shoppers and business people, without sacrificing o certain slow, com fortable atmosphere. Open every day of the week from 6:30 o.m. to 9 p.m. Dinners from $1.50 to $3.95. In the U. S. Grant Hotel. M-3121. Valle's--Corefully prepared, well served food every day from 11:30 o.m. to 9 p.m. Prime ribs, turkey, and seafood ore always good (dinners range from $1.25) but the desserts here ore really supreme. Hand some cocktail lounge serving conopes with your drink and featuring Donny Topaz ploying nightly at the organ. 2424 Fifth. F 9-4383. La Plaza--iMexicon and American dishes, particularly the charcoal broiled steaks cooked before your very eyes, ranging from $1.75 to $3.50. Open every day ex cept Monday, serving from 6 p.m. to l 0 p.m. El Torra Bar. 510 Miromonte Plaza, Lo Jolla. G 5-3814. La Valencia Hotel-The roast beef, broiled chops, and Caesar's Salad ore famous in Lo Jolla and Son Diego. Dinners 5:30 p.m. to 8 with dinners from $2.25 to $3.95. Drinks par excellence at the Whaling Bar. In Lo Jolla. G 5-2175. Luau Room-Authentic Chinese food in tasteful Hawaiian surroundings. The chick en Luau at $2.75 is the favored dish. Everything else o lo carte. Open from 5:30 p.m. to l :30 o.m., every day except Mon day. Hotel del Coronado. H 3-3161.
an NEAR PRESIDIO PARK FOUR BEDROOMS Unusually well built home of distinction and comfort. Four bedrooms, two baths, nicely ar ranged for family and maid's quarters. Charming 14 x 22 living room, fireplace. 12 x 16 dining room. Cheerful breakfast room. Lots of sunny windows and built-in conveniences. Patio. 2 car garage. $22,500. Good terms. Quick possession. OTHER FINE HOMES AND INCOME PROPER TIES THROUGHOUT THE CITY. CANTINA LA TIENDA, 1951 Thought Golden Hill was the destination for indoor BBQing and icy martinis? Think again. The original home of The Turf Club was, in fact, Del Mar. Cantina La Tienda, a Mexican restaurant owned by Bing Crosby, was the first iteration of the space. But after a move across the highway, it was rebranded as The Turf Club. In 1972, we highlighted the rise of the dining scene in Del Mar, which included this much- loved spot as a 24-hour eatery—where racetrack folk could still get an “eye-opener” from the bar at 6 a.m. if the mood, or need, should strike. H. F. CALDWELL'S REAL ESTATE FOR OVER 30 YEARS 204 W. WASHINGTON JACKSON 4131 3347 EL CAJON BLVD. RANDOLPH 112S
Spanish Food
Eastern Choice Steaks
Delightful Cocktoils ot Populor Prices
RANCHO CALIFORNIA, 1966 Let’s face it—some of our archival ads celebrate societal shortcomings rather than countering them. “Land baron” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it these days, but, in 1966, Rancho California promoted the chance to start your North County inland dynasty. COUNTRY ROAD, NORTH COUNTY, 1968 This isn’t the first time we’ve looked back. For SDM ’s 20 th anniversary, the editors ran a selection of archival pics, including this charming shot of NoCo tots. DEL MAR RESTAURANTS, 1972 In 1972, Del Mar had a restaurant boom with five new eateries along its coast. Highlighted in this issue were The Turf Club, a Catholic- church-turned-restaurant called Albatross, GRB (The Golden Rollin Belly, of course), Firepit, and the recently shuttered Bully’s North.
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