2020 Sustainability Report: Empire State Realty Trust

Human Capital and Social Impact Goals

DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION (DE&I) •We believe diverse perspectives and experiences enhance effective decision-making and innovation. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive workplace where people can be authentic in their roles. • We aim to enhance the DE&I of our organization through transparency and disclosure of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) diversity data at all levels and implementation of formal policies that mandate diversity in candidate pools for new hires, encourage promotion and advancement of diverse persons, and prohibit discriminatory practices in the workplace. • We believe that transparent reporting holds us accountable and is in the best interest of our stakeholders. We are committed to transparency and disclosure of key diversity metrics at all levels of the organization including race, gender, and age group distribution. Our DE&I Policies:

Hiring Practices We are focused on diversity in applicant pools for every hire. To do this, we have implemented systems to track candidates through the HR process to ensure at least 25% of candidates presented to hiring mangers for open roles represent diverse persons, where

Discrimination-Free Workplace As outlined in our Employee Manual, everyone has the right to work in an environment that promotes equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including sexual and other discriminatory harassment and retaliation. In keeping with this commitment, we will not tolerate unlawful discrimination (including any form of unlawful harassment or retaliation) at work or in work-related settings by or against anyone.

Pay Equity We believe people should be paid for

what they do and how they do it, regardless of gender, race, religion, or other identity or personal characteristics. We set pay based on market data, as well as an individual employee's performance, experience, and seniority. We consult with an independent third-party expert to review our pay practices.

possible. We work with our recruiting

firms to emphasize our requirement for highly qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds. We have also mandated two minority participants from NYC in our internship program.


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