King's Business - 1958-02


February 1

BOOK CONDENSATION; /complete in this issue


see page i


The American Embassy in Seoul, Korea has issued an urgent re­ quest for full-scale flood relief. The areas marked on this map represent a partial list of the large number of people seriously hit by flash floods and typhoons. 583,185 people have had to flee their homes, losing all their pos­ sessions. 8,247 homes have been totally destroyed and 235 persons have lost their lives. 470 bridges have been washed out, 3,000 head of live stock killed. The roads and highways in 1,545 towns, villages and hamlets have been washed out making transporation almost impossible. Unless help is sent immediately thousands more will die from hunger and disease. With the coming of winter many more will freeze unless they re­ ceive warm clothing.

THIS IS AN EMERGENCY APPEAL! We must rush food and clothing to Korea at once. Send your con­ tribution of good used clothing and money to purchase food to­ day. CHRISTIANS I Pray for these suffering people and give as unto the Lord.

SEN D C O N T R IB U T IO N S TO: (not clothing) J. W ILLISO N SM IT H , JR., Treasurer World Relief Commission N.A.E. 2124 Philadelphia National Bank Bldg. Philo. 7, Pa.

SEND C LO T H IN G PO STPAID TO: W orld Relief Commission NAE 12-19 Jackson Ave. Long Island City 1, N.Y.

World Relief Commission NAE c/o Brethren Service Center Nappanee, Indiana

World Relief Commission N AE c/o Brethren Service Center 1010 9th St., Modesto, Calif.

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The King's Business/February 1958

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller

Plan Early

MESSAGE IN A FACE S uddenly the face of a boy from Mother’s Bible class was on the screen. The face of the aborigine from New Guinea seemed to fade away and my pupil’s face appeared under the gayly feathered headdress. Mother blinked her eyes in a vain attempt to clear up the muddled pic­ ture. She was viewing Dr. Talbot’s film, “The Land Time Forgot,” but Sherwood’s face kept protruding from the midst of all that pagan beauty. Why? She knew the answer almost before asking the question. Although being reared in so-called Christian America, this teen-age lad is as much a pagan as those benighted souls portrayed on the screen. Because the curriculum of this Christian day school centers in and around the Word of God, Bible is the first subject taught each day. No one is exempt from the course; it is considered a vital part of a well- rounded education. Almost from the beginning of the school year Mother noticed changing emotions sweep over the otherwise sullen face of her unhappy student. From teaching Sherwood in other classes, Mother knows he has a good grasp of the English language and is not a “slow” student. But familiar English words used in biblical lessons are incomprehensible to him. Through no neglect on his part, the boy had never seen or read or possessed a Bible before enrolling in this school. As every child of God would expect, the Holy Spirit is using His Word to bring conviction upon this tragic teen­ ager. He is grinding his teeth under the new and hated knowledge that lying and stealing, at which he is a master, are sins. It goes without saying that Sher­ wood’s parents are unsaved, worship­ ing only at the altar of wealth. They never knew there is a heaven to gain, a hell to shun and a day of reckon­ ing ahead for them, before this school year. Now the picture was back in focus, but this time blurred by tears. “0 Lord,” her heart cried, “how white is the harvest; how few who care or serve. Be it New Guinea or America, wherever man is found he must be told the good news, how that *. . . Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .’ (1 Tim. 1:15). Make of Thy children a mighty army, and if it please Thee, put me at the fore­ front of the battle.”

A BLIND GREEK READS THE BIBLE WITH HIS TONGUE Recently the President of the Greek Red Cross in Canea, Crete, Mr. Naxakis, offered to give free copies of the Bible in Braille from the Bible Society to all the blind in that particular area who could read them. There was one young man, Evangelos Georgakakis, who, when he heard of this offer, immediately went to ask for a copy of this valu­ able book, but Mr. Naxakis was in great doubt as to whether he could read it. You see, during the occupa­ tion of Greece, through an exploding mine, Evangelos had not only lost his sight, but also his right hand, as well as the sense of touch in the other. Mr. Naxakis was soon per­ suaded, however, of his ability, be­ cause Evangelos proved to him in a tangible way that through persever­ ance and diligence he had taught himself to read any writing designed for the blind, not through his fingers, but through his tongue. Evangelos also pursues regular studies at the local high school with the help of a tape recorder given to him by charitable individuals. He also attends the gospel services in his town. It may be that this young man’s case is unique throughout the world. His greatest desire is to acquire books for the blind and tapes. $2 will buy an hour tape which he cannot afford. Here is an opportun­ ity for you to bring the light of the Gospel into the life of this handi­ capped young man and assist him in his struggle against tremendous odds. As the Lord lays him upon your hearts, will you send your con­ tribution to the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.)

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A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairm an of the Board

FEBRUARY In the year of our Saviour

Vol. 49, No. 2

Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


BLACK OIL AND SOULS TO WIN — Book Condensation Janies O. Henry ..................................................................................... 10 POEMS — THE SERENE H EART— Nancy M. Bettesworth .............. 13 THE WEALTH OF GOD — Christine White ..................... 17 TOMORROW — Bertha H. Pentney ..................................... 29 FEATURES UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. M ille r........................... 4 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ................................................................ 6 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ........................... 7 READER REACTION ......................................................................................... 8

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor MARY PAGE: copy editor

LLOYD HAM ILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

NORMAN B. ROHRER: editorial-cxlvertising coordinator editorial assistant: Earnestine Ritter editorial board Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 bents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in tne Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R.. authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. bv Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The K in g's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

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The King's Business/February 1958


l ^ o u oL t o ve

by Phil Kerr


I LEFT \ J E H O V A H ’S \ W I T N E S S E S

Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know Words and Music by Merrill Dunlop The author says, “This melody was written as a lullaby a short time previous to the birth of our first baby. Mrs. Dunlop and I returned home from the Tabernacle quite late one rainy night after attend­ ing a baby shower given in her honor by a group of ladies. After bringing in the last armful of boxes from the car I sat down momentarily on the piano bench, my coat and hat still on, and ran my fingers almost aimlessly over the keys, half listening to her frequent exclamations of de­ light as each new box was unpacked. “In the presence of such an atmos­ phere came the thought of dedicating a lullaby to the coming little one. After a few minutes of experimenta­ tion, the melody and harmony of what is now the chorus to ‘Jesus Is the Sweetest Name’ had taken form. Then I wrote the following words: “ ‘Sleep my little baby, angels watch you through the night, In the Saviour’s tender care you slumber till the light; When the morning breaketh loving arms will fold you tight, So, sleep my little babe, good night.’ “The song was printed as a lullaby in time to send out with the cards announcing the birth of our baby boy. But before I retired that night I also wrote the sacred words to the melody, later adding the words and music of the three stanzas.” Dunlop is an accomplished pianist, organist, radio artist and composer. His well-known compositions include “My Sins Are Blotted Out, I Know,” which he composed in 1927 aboard the Leviathan enroute to Europe; as he watched the ship plow through the mighty swells, he thought of Micah’s prophecy, “Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea,” and the glorious thought inspired the song.

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You owe it to yourself to read this book. Sooner or later you will be confronted by members of this sect. You will be glad you have this information. Buy a copy today. THIRTY YEARS A WATCH TOWER SLAVE by William J. Schnell $ 2*95 At Your Bookseller, or BAK ER B O O K HOU SE Grand Rapids 6, Michigan SACRED PIANO SOLOS "There's a Wideness to God's Mercy" Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant codenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. "Blessed Be the Fountoin" "Safe in the Arms of Jesus"

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Send to Prayer Time, The King's Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.


eop A monthly column of names in the news Despite its loud cries of religious liberty, East Germany’s Red govern­ ment recently locked up Andreas Jentsch and Wolfgang Wohllebe, two evangelical students at Leipzig Univ., for anti-state demonstrations. Their chaplain, Rev. Siegfried Schmutzler, was sentenced to five years’ hard labor for counter-revolutionary activities. One pastor died from intensive question­ ing. Meanwhile, Christians in in­ creasing numbers are sneaking into West Germany under the sympathetic eye of West Berlin’s' Mayor Willy Brandt. Said Brandt on Radio Berlin recently: “The churches have endured the pressure of Hitler's dictatorship and will again emerge the stronger for spreading the gospel without fear.” Canadian evangelist Dr. Oswald J. Smith has recorded 1,171 “decisions for Christ” in three Brazilian campaigns. His tour ended in Buenos Aires where he witnessed “. . . the greatest move­ ment of the Spirit of God in the 50 years of (his) ministry.” Our Hope magazine, founded 63 years ago by the late Dr. Arno C. Gcbe- lein, has been purchased by Eternity magazine, a Philadelphia publication of like aims dedicated to the exposi­ tion of the Scriptures. Similarly, M y Chum and The Christian Parent have been acquired by Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111. Tucson’s distinguished Baptist min­ ister, Dr. Richard Sidney Beal, Sr., D.D., will be honored by his congregation on the 24th of this month for his 40 years in the pulpit of the First Baptist Church. On the missions frontier, Rev. John M. Gillespie, warmed by gratifying ex­ pansion of his Arctic Missions, Inc., has returned to the States to set up AMI headquarters in Portland, Ore. The Sudan Interior Mission has elect­ ed its third general director in 64 years. Succeeding Rev. G. W. Playfair is A. D. Helser, Ph.D., erstwhile mis­ sionary to Nigeria w ith his wife, a teacher and registered nurse. The Un­ evangelized Fields Mission’s founder- director, Dr. E. J. Pudney, has stepped into retirement, to be succeeded by Rev. Ralph Odman, missionary to Haiti. Bom to Evangelist and Mrs. Billy Gra­ ham, a son, in Asheville, N.C. Their fifth child, second son. Named Nelson Edman for Dr. L. Nelson Bell, maternal grandfather (executive editor, Chris­ tianity Today), and Dr. V. Raymond Edman, president, Wheaton College.

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The King's Business/Februory 1958

£ ea c t io n

be upholding and defending each other against the world. Corte Madera, Calif. Mrs. Roger Sausser W e have no record of B illy Graham ever being expelled from two out­ standing Bible colleges. Mrs. Rose failed to say where she got her infor­ mation. — ED. Sirs: Let us thank God that some pastors of modernist churches and their peo­ ple in New York City were caused to hear the true gospel and some saved thereby. Didn’t Christ eat in the Pub- ican’s house? God has laid His hand on Billy Graham and raised him up for such a time as this. Let us pray for him. Webster, Iowa Bessie Ostei Sirs: I was amazed at the article by Robert James St. Clair on segregation (Nov. K.B.). Mr. St. Clair is another illustration of how ministers are be­ ing used by radical crusaders of the worst sort in promoting their own projects and programs. In the same issue your editorial on this subject mentions Billy Graham. Billy is no authority on this particular subject and since he had Rev. Martin Luther King [ f am e d N e g r o p a s t o r from Montgomery, Ala.] on his program at Madison Square Garden, and the repercussion which that has brought, I have an idea that he is more aware of the fact than ever before. In this particular case he was being used by the radicals just as Mr. St. Clair. Reidsville, N.C. Paul D. Hastings Sirs: I am an Arkansas hillbilly. Got cracks in my heels with pebbles. I am not supposed to know much but if someone in this disgraced state gets off his rocker like the writer of your article on segregation we put them in the insane asylum just to make sure they don’t cause any more con­ fusion. Give my subscription money to that loud mouth . . . maybe it will help him to buy his one-way ticket to hell. I don’t want anything to do with any Christian magazine that will publish such rotten filth. He knows no more about the problem of inte­ gration here than a South African ground hog. The only way this racial problem will ever be settled is in a Christian way — by love for one another. You can publish this letter if you wish. Huttig, Ark. Jim Herring Sirs: We hope you may get a new man­ aging editor who is more discerning. Healdsburg, Calif. Mrs. C. L. Robbins Segregation (cont’d)

On the Air* ., from Times Square 1



Sirs: I want to commend you for your courageous presentation of the doc­ trines of the Word of God. Today there is a tendency to play lightly lest somebody get unhappy. Wichita, Kan. Kenneth V. Chadbourn Sirs: You must have a Satanic spirit. When you say we can’t do anything towards our salvation you are either deceived or you are a liar or you are crazy. The Bible says to repent and to come to God in earnest. It is be­ cause of you false preachers that the world is in such a mess. Wake up. Tacoma, Wash. Charles E. Breshears Sirs: Enclosed is $2 for extra copies of the article on predestination. It is a marvel of clarity and simplicity and yet so comprehensive. I think people in our day have a very shallow view of the immensity of sin, its power in their lives, its degradation and its criminal affront against the good­ ness and holiness and majesty of God our creator and sustainer. Livermore, Calif. Nuella Me Ness Extra copies of the January issue containing this special predestination report are nou> available at 25c each or 5 for $1 , postpaid. — ED. Sirs: I’m writing regarding the letter by Mrs. Dorothy Rose of Bradenton, Fla. in the “Reader Reaction” column for January. Is it Billy Graham’s fault because the press chose to photograph him with the vice-.president? And in just what way does this prove that he is compromising? Christ spoke to rich and poor, higher-ups and lower- downs alike. It was my own under­ standing that Billy Graham has said that he is not an extreme fundamen­ talist, and if I’m wrong, I’ll be only too happy to be set straight. Which­ ever it is, Mr. Graham certainly preaches the fundamental, founda­ tional facts and doctrines of the gos­ pel of Christ. I would like to know if it is true that Billy Graham has, as she says, been expelled from two outstanding, sound Bible colleges? Then her last bit about communism is really unfair and going much too far. How sad it is to see Christians hating and back­ biting each other when we ought to Billy Graham

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Sirs: You hit rock-bottom when you pub­ lished that article on segregation. Please cancel my subscription and the six I’ve been paying for. Coalinga, Calif. Mrs. Lester Horn Sirs: Cancel my subscription. I do not believe that anything could please the atheistic Communists more than to see our Christianity injured, and to stir up strife. The South is known as the Bible Belt — as more Bibles are sold here than in any other part of the country. Houston, Tex. Emily Taylor Dustin Sirs: Here are two gift subscriptions and I hope you get many more as I see from December [Reader Reaction on segregation] that you lost a few. I love the magazine and have been a subscriber since back in the twenties. Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. O. L. Hambrick Sirs: Wasn’t there any positive reaction to your article? I consider it one of the most positive and constructive articles that an evangelical journal has run. The name evangelical is a misnomer today since there are m il­ lions for whom Christ died right in this country that we won’t minister the gospel to in love, and Christians among other races whom we won’t fraternize with forgetting Ephesians 2:14-19 and communing only with our own prejudices. Washington, D.C. Max Kershaw Some positive letters came later. A t first reaction u>as 10 to 1 against our stand on segregation. — ED. Sirs: We are proud that the editorial staff has dared to take a stand for the right according to the principles of Christ. So many times the good peo­ ple are afraid to speak up and evil has unchallenged control. The breath of life, the will to love or hate, doesn’t reside in the pigmentation of the skin. The grace of God reaches down into all walks of life, all conditions of body and soul to make us brothers and joint heirs with Christ. Repudi­ ation of part of the Christian heritage means rejection of the whole. Riverside, Calif. Mrs. Eunice Coffee Sirs: It causes me to wonder if many more literate, “born-again” Christians are as full of pride and as lacking in love as these recorded in your Decem­ ber issue. Their heavy hammer of prejudice has shot their vain ego sky­ ward, and the resulting gong sounds a little like tinkling cymbal and sounding brass. Lynwood, Calif. Chuck Wright The King's Business/February 1958

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BOOK CO N D EN SA T IO N /complete in this issue

T his February marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the

Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. To commemorate this

milestone in Christian work, the Bible Institute commissioned

James O. Henry to write an historical book dealing with

the school and its founders. During several years of research and

writing, Historian Henry uncovered a wealth of fascinating

material. But his book is far more than the factual recording of

the events of one school’s ministry. It is a warm,

behind-the-scenes picture of many of the greatest Christians of

the past three generations. It’s the story of the Stewarts

of Pennsylvania; of California oil; of R. A. Torrey;

of T. C. Horton; of missions in Korea and China; of YMCA work;

of the Union Rescue Mission; of the Bible House of Los Angeles.

It’s a story of facts and human interest never before told.

And Historian Henry (now on leave from Biola College to work on his

doctorate at the University of Maryland) has told the story well.





By James O. Henry

" I t’s a stinking place, Pa, and I don’t like it.” Nineteen-year-old Lyman Stewart had said his piece. He could see hurt amazement in his father’s eyes. The lad swallowed hard. There seemed to be a lump in his throat. The elder Stewart didn’t say a word. Just looked. In a way that hurt. Lyman shifted his weight from foot to foot. Then a torrent of words fairly poured from his

lips. "Pa, you know I want to do what’s right. I respect you, sir. But I just can’t go on working for you. A tannery’s an interesting place for a boy of 11 . I felt big learning my pa’s trade, even if the other kids joked and said I smelled like a stack of spoiled cowhides. But I’m a man now.” He shifted his weight again and swallowed hard. I got $125 saved up. I can get a interest in

The King's Business/February 1958


"I was a valet to horses with the rank of private when General Lee surrendered to General Grant”

The war between the states had broken out and, putting aside his dreams of riches, Lyman Stewart joined a group of volunteers from the valley and enlisted in the 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry. He spent most of the next four years as "a valet to horses with the rank of private.” He often said that his only claim to military distinction was that "my unit was at Appomattox Courthouse when General Lee surrendered to General Grant, ending the war.” When he returned to the Venango Valley in 1865, Stewart found his village of Titusville had grown from 400 to over 6 , 000 . Lacking capital, he enrolled for a hurry-up commercial course at Eastman’s Business College, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Within six months he managed to digest the course. Returning to the valley, he opened an office at Pioneer Run, not far from Titusville, buying and selling oil leases. His boyhood experi­ ence of tramping over the hills collecting hides and delivering leather for his father’s tannery now became an unexpected asset. Undoubtedly Lyman Stewart knew the valley better than any other operator. His lot now took a turn for the better. Hardly had he opened the office when a boom hit Pioneer Run. Speculators, promoters, financiers and drillers arrived in large numbers. Lyman Stewart was ready for them. Negotiating leases with the farmers, he began to make money. He started to buy 1/ 64th interest in wells that were producing, thereby spreading his meager capital over a maxi­ mum of chances. Later he was able to increase this to 1/3 2nd and eventually to l / 8 th. Lyman was joined in the oil business by his brother Milton. Milton wasn’t a good mixer and preferred to handle the financial and refining end while Lyman got out into the field. He never seemed to have any trouble commanding the re­ spect of the toughest worker or most foul- mouthed promoter. The Christian character and testimony of the Stewarts so impressed an oil producer by the name of Frank W. Andrews that he asked the brothers to join him in his new Claremont Oil Company at Petroleum Center. As one of the eight partners, Lyman Stewart made a substantial fortune from the transaction. A short time later Andrews came to the Stewart brothers with the proposition that

a lease on the John Benninghoff farm. I calculate there’s oil under those rolling knolls.” Oil. Now Lyman’s father knew what had gotten into his son. The peaceful Venango Valley in Western Pennsylvania in this year of 1859 was undergoing a transformation. The Seneca Oil Company’s Edwin L. Drake, working with the local blacksmith, had rigged up a drilling outfit and had started prospecting for oil. The operation was known locally as "Drake’s Folly.” At 69 /z feet Drake hit oil. It was the world’s first oil well. Now the elder Stewart could see the rock-hard determination in the set of his son’s shoulders. "Lyman,” the father’s voice was gentle but in his eyes the hurt was still painfully there. "You’re a God-fearing young man. Perhaps this new voca­ tion is God’s will. May He prosper you accord­ ingly.” To Lyman Stewart the words of his father were like a benediction and entirely fitting for a man with his faith. The Stewarts were sincere adher­ ents of the Presbyterian church. Every evening Lyman’s mother read the Bible aloud and the seven children took part in the family prayers that ended each day. Lyman’s father helped to raise funds for the first Presbyterian church erected in their area and he occasionally preached the sermon when the weather delayed the circuit­ riding pastor. Young Stewart exchanged his $125 for the desired lease but failed in his attempt to raise enough money to drill a well. Six years later others drilled on the Benninghoff farm and struck the first 300-barrels-per-day well in the nation. Lyman Stewart had lost the possibility of a for­ tune in his first oil venture. He soon saved up enough for a second try. He and several partners leased the Boyd farm near Petroleum Center. This time, profiting from experience, the partners saved enough money to drill a well. Their first well was a producer, but just as it came in several new wells by other drillers came in, producing more oil than the market could handle. The price of oil fell so low that Stewart and his partners could not afford to pump the oil. Again Stewart had to call it quits. Later the Boyd farm became one of the valley’s richest producers.


they buy a 54th interest in the 112 -acre Tallman farm. Within two years oil from wells on this farm had sold for $800,000. In the six years from 1866 to 1872, Lyman Stewart accumulated close to $300,000 in the bank. In addition, he and his brother Milton were holders of shares in many wells that were produc­ ing oil. It was at this time, while riding the crest of the wave, that Lyman Stewart and another newly-rich oil man agreed to underwrite a project for the establishment of a company to manu­ facture and sell agricultural machinery. Stewart felt that he could well afford to underwrite his portion of the expense of this project since he had an income of around $1,000 a week at the time. The agricultural implement business was a complete failure. Lyman Stewart and his friend had to pay off the losses and when they were through he not only was broke, but had lost his home and most of his oil leases. By 1872 he was forced to take a job at a small salary to provide for his family. While Stewart was in the $l,000-a-week bracket he had befriended a number of young men in the oil business, among them James and Harvey Hardison, two brothers from Maine. Eventually these two men had become experts at fishing for lost tools in oil wells. Several times they had come to Lyman Stewart’s home to discuss mechanical problems with him. When the brothers needed money Lyman Stewart dug into his pocket or his bank account. Although he had helped them set T HE SERENE HEART

themselves up in business, he had never realized any finanical profit from the Hardison connec­ tion, but he had gained what proved to be, in later years, an invaluable friendship. Another Hardison brother had piled up a small fortune cutting ties for new transcontinental railroads. When he returned east with his profits, he stopped off at Titusville to look over the situa­ tion. His brothers had written him about the k i ndnes s of their friend Lyman Stewart so Wallace Hardison hunted up Stewart to get acquainted. Impressed with the opportunities in the oil business, Wallace Hardison proposed that he and Stewart buy some more properties on a partnership basis. Virtually penniless, Stewart ex­ plained his embarrassed estate and expressed his regret that he could not join in the enterprise. Hardison brushed the protest aside. "You know oil and I don’t; I have the money and you don’t. We’ll be partners. I’ll put up the money and you put up the experience.” On this basis, with only a handclasp to seal the agreement, began a partnership that was not put in to a formal written agreement until many years later in California when it had grown to such an enormous business that the bankers con­ sidered a written agreement necessary. For several years Lyman Stewart had been in­ trigued by reports from California on the poten­ tial oil fields in the Golden State. He made up his mind to investigate the potentials firsthand. When I. E. Blake, a former Titusville friend, offered him all the land on which he could drill if he would come out West, Stewart proposed to Hardison that they sell out and go to California. Hardison was unwilling to return to the Pacific Coast; however, he agreed to sell out their interest. They realized about $13 5,000 from their oil in­ vestments. Dividing the money, they parted company, Hardison heading for Kansas and Stewart for California. No sooner had Stewart landed in Los Angeles in the winter of 1882-1883 than he began looking over the prospects of oil development in the area of Southern California. By way of making good his promise, I. E. Blake of the Pacific Coast Oil Company took Stewart to the Newhall area and pointed out the land his company held there under lease. He offered

So still it was today, And no breeze blew To muffle with its strength The quiet, happy sound Of birds, and crisping snow. So would I have my heart, Tranquil and still , That I might always hear The quiet hidden voice, Beneath the worldly wind.

— Nancy M. Bettesworth

The King's Business/February 1958


The partners had drilled six wells, spent about every cent they owned and had yet to produce oil

organized two small banks, one at Eldred, Pa. and the other in Salina, Kan., had borrowed to the limit. He had drawn so heavily on the Eldred Bank that the cashier was protesting in almost every mail and warned that the depositors were getting wind of Hardison’s overdrafts. Stewart went to his friend Blake and laid their trouble on the table, holding nothing back. He pointed out to Blake that they had drilled all their wells on terri­ tory yet unproved and asked permission of him to allow them to drill somewhere in proved terri­ tory. Blake was very sympathetic with their problems, knowing that they were both substan­ tial, hard-working expe r i enc ed oil men. He arranged for them to drill again in Pico Canyon but some distance from their first five "dusters” which they had drilled in that area. This was their last chance; if this failed they were through. Here they drilled "Star No. One.” This well was to become one of the most important wells in Cali­ fornia oil history because without it the now gigantic Union Oil Company might never have been formed. At the 1,620-foot level the bit hit oil. When they installed their pumping equipment it produced 75 barrels a day, an unusually good well for California in those days. Because the two partners had no capital with which to develop their oil, they were forced to sell Star No. One outright. As it turned out, the well eventually dropped to half its original pro­ duction and later proved to be on the outer fringe- of a pool. This would have meant that the part­ ners would have gone broke had they tried to drill other wells in the area. They looked around for lands which they could buy with the money derived from the sale of their well. The broad valley of the Santa Clara River reminded them of the Venango Valley in Pennsyl­ vania. With their returns from Star No. One, they made the down payment on mineral rights to several thousand acres in Adams and Wheeler Canyons and the Salt Marsh area back of Santa Paula. Using as collateral the land on which they had made down payment, the partners borrowed money to get together equipment and men to drill once more. They managed to drill an even dozen wells in 1884, but hard luck still plagued them. The oil from their first wells in Adams

Stewart the choice of any of the leases. After looking over the Pico Canyon properties on at least three occasions, Stewart longed to talk over things with his old partner Wallace Hardison, who at that time was beginning life anew as a rancher in Kansas. Stewart wired Hardison in Kansas asking if he would be interested in joining him in an oil hunt, this time in California. Less than a day after he sent his wire a message came back from Hardison. In his usual crisp manner Hardison asked no questions; he merely gave the date on which he would arrive in Los Angeles to start operations. That was all the negotiating or con­ ferring the pair did to launch their second part­ nership in the oil business. Meantime, Lyman Stewart selected a site for their initial well, pick­ ing a location on Christian Hill in Pico Canyon where there had been no previous drilling. With hopes running high, Hardison and Stewart started their first well. When they reached the 1,850-foot level, they ran into trouble. Their tools were lost and they were unable to fish them out. All the way down there had been no showing of oil of any kind. The partners decided to chalk the failure up to experi­ ence. Well No. One was abandoned. Their trou­ bles were just beginning. After five dry holes they decided to move from Christian Hill to the vicinity of Tar Creek or Santa Paula Creek where they might find more promising spots. This time they very carefully selected their location on Tar Creek and called it "Smith Farm No. One.” After reaching the depth of 1,520 feet, the sides of the well began to cave in. The rope broke and left the tools in the well and dirt buried the tools. They fished for three weeks but failed to recover them. The well had to be abandoned. The partners had drilled six wells and had yet to produce their first barrel of oil. They had spent about every cent they owned, but they still had their drilling rights and plenty of courage plus the optimism that goes with oil fever. In despera­ tion, they moved the rig to a spot on Santa Paula Creek. Their "Santa Paula No. One” was another dry hole, the seventh in a row. The partners took stock of the situation. They had exhausted their capital. Hardison, who had

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