King's Business - 1958-02

£ ea c t io n

be upholding and defending each other against the world. Corte Madera, Calif. Mrs. Roger Sausser W e have no record of B illy Graham ever being expelled from two out­ standing Bible colleges. Mrs. Rose failed to say where she got her infor­ mation. — ED. Sirs: Let us thank God that some pastors of modernist churches and their peo­ ple in New York City were caused to hear the true gospel and some saved thereby. Didn’t Christ eat in the Pub- ican’s house? God has laid His hand on Billy Graham and raised him up for such a time as this. Let us pray for him. Webster, Iowa Bessie Ostei Sirs: I was amazed at the article by Robert James St. Clair on segregation (Nov. K.B.). Mr. St. Clair is another illustration of how ministers are be­ ing used by radical crusaders of the worst sort in promoting their own projects and programs. In the same issue your editorial on this subject mentions Billy Graham. Billy is no authority on this particular subject and since he had Rev. Martin Luther King [ f am e d N e g r o p a s t o r from Montgomery, Ala.] on his program at Madison Square Garden, and the repercussion which that has brought, I have an idea that he is more aware of the fact than ever before. In this particular case he was being used by the radicals just as Mr. St. Clair. Reidsville, N.C. Paul D. Hastings Sirs: I am an Arkansas hillbilly. Got cracks in my heels with pebbles. I am not supposed to know much but if someone in this disgraced state gets off his rocker like the writer of your article on segregation we put them in the insane asylum just to make sure they don’t cause any more con­ fusion. Give my subscription money to that loud mouth . . . maybe it will help him to buy his one-way ticket to hell. I don’t want anything to do with any Christian magazine that will publish such rotten filth. He knows no more about the problem of inte­ gration here than a South African ground hog. The only way this racial problem will ever be settled is in a Christian way — by love for one another. You can publish this letter if you wish. Huttig, Ark. Jim Herring Sirs: We hope you may get a new man­ aging editor who is more discerning. Healdsburg, Calif. Mrs. C. L. Robbins Segregation (cont’d)

On the Air* ., from Times Square 1



Sirs: I want to commend you for your courageous presentation of the doc­ trines of the Word of God. Today there is a tendency to play lightly lest somebody get unhappy. Wichita, Kan. Kenneth V. Chadbourn Sirs: You must have a Satanic spirit. When you say we can’t do anything towards our salvation you are either deceived or you are a liar or you are crazy. The Bible says to repent and to come to God in earnest. It is be­ cause of you false preachers that the world is in such a mess. Wake up. Tacoma, Wash. Charles E. Breshears Sirs: Enclosed is $2 for extra copies of the article on predestination. It is a marvel of clarity and simplicity and yet so comprehensive. I think people in our day have a very shallow view of the immensity of sin, its power in their lives, its degradation and its criminal affront against the good­ ness and holiness and majesty of God our creator and sustainer. Livermore, Calif. Nuella Me Ness Extra copies of the January issue containing this special predestination report are nou> available at 25c each or 5 for $1 , postpaid. — ED. Sirs: I’m writing regarding the letter by Mrs. Dorothy Rose of Bradenton, Fla. in the “Reader Reaction” column for January. Is it Billy Graham’s fault because the press chose to photograph him with the vice-.president? And in just what way does this prove that he is compromising? Christ spoke to rich and poor, higher-ups and lower- downs alike. It was my own under­ standing that Billy Graham has said that he is not an extreme fundamen­ talist, and if I’m wrong, I’ll be only too happy to be set straight. Which­ ever it is, Mr. Graham certainly preaches the fundamental, founda­ tional facts and doctrines of the gos­ pel of Christ. I would like to know if it is true that Billy Graham has, as she says, been expelled from two outstanding, sound Bible colleges? Then her last bit about communism is really unfair and going much too far. How sad it is to see Christians hating and back­ biting each other when we ought to Billy Graham

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