King's Business - 1958-02

Sirs: You hit rock-bottom when you pub­ lished that article on segregation. Please cancel my subscription and the six I’ve been paying for. Coalinga, Calif. Mrs. Lester Horn Sirs: Cancel my subscription. I do not believe that anything could please the atheistic Communists more than to see our Christianity injured, and to stir up strife. The South is known as the Bible Belt — as more Bibles are sold here than in any other part of the country. Houston, Tex. Emily Taylor Dustin Sirs: Here are two gift subscriptions and I hope you get many more as I see from December [Reader Reaction on segregation] that you lost a few. I love the magazine and have been a subscriber since back in the twenties. Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. O. L. Hambrick Sirs: Wasn’t there any positive reaction to your article? I consider it one of the most positive and constructive articles that an evangelical journal has run. The name evangelical is a misnomer today since there are m il­ lions for whom Christ died right in this country that we won’t minister the gospel to in love, and Christians among other races whom we won’t fraternize with forgetting Ephesians 2:14-19 and communing only with our own prejudices. Washington, D.C. Max Kershaw Some positive letters came later. A t first reaction u>as 10 to 1 against our stand on segregation. — ED. Sirs: We are proud that the editorial staff has dared to take a stand for the right according to the principles of Christ. So many times the good peo­ ple are afraid to speak up and evil has unchallenged control. The breath of life, the will to love or hate, doesn’t reside in the pigmentation of the skin. The grace of God reaches down into all walks of life, all conditions of body and soul to make us brothers and joint heirs with Christ. Repudi­ ation of part of the Christian heritage means rejection of the whole. Riverside, Calif. Mrs. Eunice Coffee Sirs: It causes me to wonder if many more literate, “born-again” Christians are as full of pride and as lacking in love as these recorded in your Decem­ ber issue. Their heavy hammer of prejudice has shot their vain ego sky­ ward, and the resulting gong sounds a little like tinkling cymbal and sounding brass. Lynwood, Calif. Chuck Wright The King's Business/February 1958

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