King's Business - 1958-02

BOOK CO N D EN SA T IO N /complete in this issue

T his February marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the

Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. To commemorate this

milestone in Christian work, the Bible Institute commissioned

James O. Henry to write an historical book dealing with

the school and its founders. During several years of research and

writing, Historian Henry uncovered a wealth of fascinating

material. But his book is far more than the factual recording of

the events of one school’s ministry. It is a warm,

behind-the-scenes picture of many of the greatest Christians of

the past three generations. It’s the story of the Stewarts

of Pennsylvania; of California oil; of R. A. Torrey;

of T. C. Horton; of missions in Korea and China; of YMCA work;

of the Union Rescue Mission; of the Bible House of Los Angeles.

It’s a story of facts and human interest never before told.

And Historian Henry (now on leave from Biola College to work on his

doctorate at the University of Maryland) has told the story well.


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