King's Business - 1958-02

DO YOU HAVE 1300, 1500 or 11,000?

sent the gospel. Stewart would politely listen but then firmly re­ state his beliefs that it wasn’t wise to tie up the Lord’s money in “brick and mortar.” By May 1907, Horton’s hints that there was a need for trained people to preach the gospel seemed to be bearing fruit. Now, Stewart was often bringing up the subject of a training school himself. The idea

This will interest YOU . . . Our field representatives meet Christian men and women quite frequently who are looking for places to invest their money. Most of them need a return on their savings. Some are considering investments in stocks. But because of their limited knowledge of stocks and bonds, they are reluctant to buy. Others hesitate because of market fluctua­ tions, uncertainty of dividends, etc. And some tell us of disappointing experi­ ences on their investments. * * * W ithout exception, all are looking for security . . . a guarantee that they will be as­ sured of a generous income. Something they can count on as long as they live . . . in good times or bad . . . regardless of whether the stock market is up or down. But they’re interested in something else, too. * You should see their faces light u p ... when we tell them about the d o u b l e d iv id e n d s provided by Moody Annuities. When we tell them that Moody Annuities assure them of a generous, guaranteed income as long as they live (up to 814 % depending on their age) . . . plus a share in the Lord’s work . . . they’re overjoyed! And when we tell them that every annuity is backed by all the resources of Moody Bible Institute, and that MBI has never missed a single payment in almost 50 years . . . they are convinced that it’s the plan for them!

T. C. Horton For a changing tide, no hope.

of such a school seemed to take definite shape as a result of evan­ gelistic tent meetings held in Los Angeles dining the summer of 1907. The meetings were under the direction of Horton and financed by Stewart. By summer’s end Horton concluded that the greatest draw­ back to the Lord’s work was as he states: “The fact that our leaders are not qualified by practical equip­ ment.” It was at this time that Horton spoke of hearing a sermon by a Dr. Galloway of the Cumberland Pres­ byterian Church about whom he said, “He added nothing to our faith, but his message was very liberal.” This incident seems to have crystallized Horton’s thinking concerning the trend of the times toward liberalism. It was about this matter that he wrote to Stewart: “Can we hope to change the tide which is setting in so strongly or must we bend our efforts to setting in motion streams of real truth for such as will accept the truth?” Horton’s dream for a Bible train­ ing school became a reality as an outgrowth of an evangelistic cam­ paign that failed to take place. In late August 1907, plans were being completed for a city-wide campaign

WO U L D Y O U L I K E TO R E C E I V E D O U B L E D I V I D E N D S ON Y O U R M O N E Y ? 0

We’ll be happy to send you the f r e e booklet, d o u b l e d iv id e n d s , which explains the Moody Annuity Plan in detail. Contains a chart showing income rates for all ages, explains tax benefits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you’ll have a share. C L I P A N D M A I L C O U P O N T O D A Y !


II» i W rite: Carl J. Frizen, Stewardship Department MOODY B IBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois

Dept. K-58-31-4

□ Please send me, without obligation, d o u ble d iv id e n d s , story of Moody Annuity Plan. L1 Please send folder, Where There’s a Will , relating to stewardship. Name ______. _ ________________________________ Age _____________________ Address_ City_ _Zone_ State

The King's Business/February 1958


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