King's Business - 1958-02

of The King’s Business, the school’s statement of doctrine, catalog and circulars, a list of the officers, facul­ ty, workers and students, names of the architects, superintendent and assistant, a copy of the address given by Stewart, a copy of What the Bible Teaches by Torrey and a Scofield Bible. In his talk that day Stewart said, “We sought to have b u i l d i ng s planned on a scale somewhat com­ mensurate with the commercial value of this site, the magnitude of the field and the probable future needs of the Institute’s many-sided

w a n t e d ! MISSIONARIES FOR MEXICO TO TAKE TRAINING IN SPANISH Get ready for the field with practical ex­ perience in evangelistic work while in train­ ing by conducting services in 10 Mexican labor camps and establishing M exican churches in Southern California. For further information write or visit Instituto Evangélico Box 842 La Puente, California BIBLE WORKBOOK By Catherine B. Walker, M.A., D.R.E. Widely used in high school Bible classes. Suitable as Adult Bible study guide. Questions, notes, maps, and outlines Vol. 1— Old Testament Vol. 2— New Testament BIBLE W O R K B O O K D ISTRIBU TO RS 90c each 420 E. Madison, Wheaton, Illinois HO. 9-5883 (JSctlult OR IENTAL RUG on CLEANERS Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 11742 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif. POplar 6-2479 HO. 9-5883

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B R A I L L E BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, TRACTS Evangelistic — Devotional FREE to the Blind (as the Lord provides) "Th a t those who see not may see" Write: CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FOR THE BUND INTERNATIONAL, INC.

The love of God has hung a veil Around tomorrow, That we may not its beauty see, Nor trouble borrow. But, oh, ’tis sweeter far to trust His unseen hand And know that all the path of life , His wisdom planned. I know not if tomorrow’s way Be steep or rough, But when His hand is guiding me, This is enough. And so, although the veil has hid Tomorrow’s way, I walk with perfect faith and trust Through each today.

NORMAN CLAYTON’S FAVORITES 70 * a copy 95 songs—How Great Thou Art, Overshadowed, It Took A Miracle, The Love of God, etc. NORMAN CLAYTON PUBLISHING CO. 97 Hillsdale Rd.r GreatBarrington, Mass.

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif.

STILL W IDELY REVIEWED AND READ! A Priest Speaks His Mind By Rev. W. E. R. O'Gorman $2.25 postpaid from the author. P.O. Box 1053, Glendale 5, Colif.

MONTE V ISTA CHR IST IAN SCHOOL, INC. Evangelical, College Prep., High and Grade, Co-ed., 100-Acre Cam­ pus, Rare Technical and Spiritual Advantages. W rite: Watsonville, California. H ARR Y R IMM ER ’ S BOOKS all obtainable at Berne Witness Co. Berne, Indiana SEND FOR BOOK LIST

—• B ertha H . P entn ey from her new book, Songs of a Servant


work. These dormitories, while a necessary adjunct to the Institute, will also partake of the character of an endowment. The work of con­ struction, however, can proceed only as the means for this purpose can be secured; but the phenomenal increase of our population, and the new problems to be solved when the Panama Canal is opened, im­ pose increased responsibilities, and render haste imperative. . . . For the teaching of the truths for which the Institute stands, its doors are to be open every day in the year, and all people, without reference to race, color, class, creed or previous condition, will ever be welcome to its privileges.”


if | ^



Rev. John M. Gillespie, General Director Your faithful, fervent prayers appreciated.

T h e U .S .A . A FOREIGN MISSION FIELD F ILIPIN O S — JA P A N ESE — M E X IC A N S and many others— come to gather our crops— offord a Harvest too often overlooked— should have your interest, too! Mission to the Migrants, Inc. 2007 W. 78-Place

F A V O R I T E S #4 > 89 popular Gospel solos, duets, trios and quartets, “favorites" with young and old. 6 5 c a copy A Singspiration Publication O RDER FR O M Y O U R BOO KSELLER tm m I S P f jÿffSÊ

Los Angeles 47, Calif. Member of the I.F.C.A.

The King's Business/Februory 1958


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