King's Business - 1958-02

One of the greatest misconcep­ tions in connection with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is the idea that immediately upon the decision to establish the school, Stewart came forth with all the necessary funds to erect the buildings, and that until his death the Institute had only to call upon him at a mo­ ment’s notice and he would supply all the funds needed to carry on its work and to complete its buildings. Nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, although he was a very rich man, Stewart’s wealth was always tied up in in­ vestments and he never at any time had many liquid assets. Conse­ quently, on many occasions he had to borrow on temporary or short­ term loans to carry on his business, and frequently he had to borrow even to carry on his personal af­ fairs. Upon the establishment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Stewart was prepared to give very liberally. However, he was well aware of the great expense that would be incurred and that the bur­ den would be far greater than he would be able to bear alone. Fur­ ther, it was his opinion that it would not be to the best interest of the school to have a patron who would pay all of its bills thus leav­ ing it without any reliance upon the Lord. With these thoughts in mind, he sought at the very begin­ ning to interest many men of wealth in the work that was being undertaken. Foremost among these men was his brother Milton, and throughout the remainder of Stew­ art’s life he was constantly calling upon his brother for help in the financial support of the Bible In­ stitute. In 1912 Stewart wrote his broth­ er Milton: “I did not suppose that you were ready to say that you would go ‘havers’ with me in the Bible Institute work at present. What I have been anxious about, in view of the uncertainties of life, is that some direction be given by you to Kellogg in reference to an appropriation to these trust funds in his hands for this purpose. . . . This would be simply an instruc­ tion based upon possible contingen­ cies.” The Kellogg Trust Fund, to which Stewart referred, was a fund


Many Jews who confess Christ as Messiah and Saviour frequently undergo the severest hardships. One Hebrew Christian was advised "not to be baptized,” and "don’t dare mention your faith to others!” In reply this courageous believer exclaimed: "Say nothing to any­ body about my Lord? I would rather be dead! As long as I live I want to be a witness for Him.” It is such Hebrew Christians, new converts, missionaries, the unemployed, the maltreated, the bewildered and hungry whom we seek to shepherd and sustain. Please pray for us and send your gift to help our ministry amongst the poor and bereft, the young in our Children’s Home, and the aged Hebrew Christians. The need is very great. Please send your gift now. Address communications to:

Rev. Jacob Peltz


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