King's Business - 1958-02

I had always considered myself a better-than-average Sunday School teacher . . .

Until I happened to overhear one of my girls say, % .. But who wants to sit there for hours and listen to her stuffy lessons?”

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I knew then that I needed help . . . not only my lessons, but my methods were sorely lacking in teen-appeal. Somehow I was missing the mark! At my first glance through my A l l - B i b l e Graded quarterly, it was “love at first reading”! Here was my answer to making Bible stories l i v e and in helping my girls live out Bible truths. Each quarterly has brought me new teaching tips . . . provided lesson material to spare . . . helped me to nail down problems facing my girls . . . encouraged me to try new twists in approaching the lesson . . . enabled me for the first time to get my whole class into some real and vital discussions of present-day spiritual problems. I was thrilled at the wealth of background material and the suggestions for tied-in activities with each lesson . . . and, best of all, through each lesson the sure tone of God’s living Word and its power to transform lives. And speaking about nailing down day-to-day problems, I don’t know what my class would do without their Sunday School paper—“Power”— with its thrilling stories of real people and fiction that helps them solve everyday problems in a Christian way . . . its challenging quizzes . . . and intriguing short features. Somehow this paper seems to meet exactly the spiritual needs of my girls. I can see evidence of real spiritual growth in my pupils, which makes my teaching an exciting adventure in Christian service. Don’t think for a minute my “bored class” changed to an eager, interested group just overnight! It has taken hard study, much earnest prayer and determination—but I thank A l l - B i b l e Graded Lessons for the know-how and the challenge that assured me such a changed class as mine c o u l d b e !

B U I L D W I N N E R S in fife—b u ild a tte n d a n c e—w ith Scripture Press A l l - B i b l e Graded Sunday School Lessons, now be­ ing used in over 70 denominations and in thousands of successful, growing Sunday Schools. Send for free information today.

SCRIPTURE PRESS 1825 College Avenue * Wheaton, Illinois

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