King's Business - 1958-02

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller

Plan Early

MESSAGE IN A FACE S uddenly the face of a boy from Mother’s Bible class was on the screen. The face of the aborigine from New Guinea seemed to fade away and my pupil’s face appeared under the gayly feathered headdress. Mother blinked her eyes in a vain attempt to clear up the muddled pic­ ture. She was viewing Dr. Talbot’s film, “The Land Time Forgot,” but Sherwood’s face kept protruding from the midst of all that pagan beauty. Why? She knew the answer almost before asking the question. Although being reared in so-called Christian America, this teen-age lad is as much a pagan as those benighted souls portrayed on the screen. Because the curriculum of this Christian day school centers in and around the Word of God, Bible is the first subject taught each day. No one is exempt from the course; it is considered a vital part of a well- rounded education. Almost from the beginning of the school year Mother noticed changing emotions sweep over the otherwise sullen face of her unhappy student. From teaching Sherwood in other classes, Mother knows he has a good grasp of the English language and is not a “slow” student. But familiar English words used in biblical lessons are incomprehensible to him. Through no neglect on his part, the boy had never seen or read or possessed a Bible before enrolling in this school. As every child of God would expect, the Holy Spirit is using His Word to bring conviction upon this tragic teen­ ager. He is grinding his teeth under the new and hated knowledge that lying and stealing, at which he is a master, are sins. It goes without saying that Sher­ wood’s parents are unsaved, worship­ ing only at the altar of wealth. They never knew there is a heaven to gain, a hell to shun and a day of reckon­ ing ahead for them, before this school year. Now the picture was back in focus, but this time blurred by tears. “0 Lord,” her heart cried, “how white is the harvest; how few who care or serve. Be it New Guinea or America, wherever man is found he must be told the good news, how that *. . . Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .’ (1 Tim. 1:15). Make of Thy children a mighty army, and if it please Thee, put me at the fore­ front of the battle.”

A BLIND GREEK READS THE BIBLE WITH HIS TONGUE Recently the President of the Greek Red Cross in Canea, Crete, Mr. Naxakis, offered to give free copies of the Bible in Braille from the Bible Society to all the blind in that particular area who could read them. There was one young man, Evangelos Georgakakis, who, when he heard of this offer, immediately went to ask for a copy of this valu­ able book, but Mr. Naxakis was in great doubt as to whether he could read it. You see, during the occupa­ tion of Greece, through an exploding mine, Evangelos had not only lost his sight, but also his right hand, as well as the sense of touch in the other. Mr. Naxakis was soon per­ suaded, however, of his ability, be­ cause Evangelos proved to him in a tangible way that through persever­ ance and diligence he had taught himself to read any writing designed for the blind, not through his fingers, but through his tongue. Evangelos also pursues regular studies at the local high school with the help of a tape recorder given to him by charitable individuals. He also attends the gospel services in his town. It may be that this young man’s case is unique throughout the world. His greatest desire is to acquire books for the blind and tapes. $2 will buy an hour tape which he cannot afford. Here is an opportun­ ity for you to bring the light of the Gospel into the life of this handi­ capped young man and assist him in his struggle against tremendous odds. As the Lord lays him upon your hearts, will you send your con­ tribution to the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.)

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