King's Business - 1958-02

eop A monthly column of names in the news Despite its loud cries of religious liberty, East Germany’s Red govern­ ment recently locked up Andreas Jentsch and Wolfgang Wohllebe, two evangelical students at Leipzig Univ., for anti-state demonstrations. Their chaplain, Rev. Siegfried Schmutzler, was sentenced to five years’ hard labor for counter-revolutionary activities. One pastor died from intensive question­ ing. Meanwhile, Christians in in­ creasing numbers are sneaking into West Germany under the sympathetic eye of West Berlin’s' Mayor Willy Brandt. Said Brandt on Radio Berlin recently: “The churches have endured the pressure of Hitler's dictatorship and will again emerge the stronger for spreading the gospel without fear.” Canadian evangelist Dr. Oswald J. Smith has recorded 1,171 “decisions for Christ” in three Brazilian campaigns. His tour ended in Buenos Aires where he witnessed “. . . the greatest move­ ment of the Spirit of God in the 50 years of (his) ministry.” Our Hope magazine, founded 63 years ago by the late Dr. Arno C. Gcbe- lein, has been purchased by Eternity magazine, a Philadelphia publication of like aims dedicated to the exposi­ tion of the Scriptures. Similarly, M y Chum and The Christian Parent have been acquired by Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111. Tucson’s distinguished Baptist min­ ister, Dr. Richard Sidney Beal, Sr., D.D., will be honored by his congregation on the 24th of this month for his 40 years in the pulpit of the First Baptist Church. On the missions frontier, Rev. John M. Gillespie, warmed by gratifying ex­ pansion of his Arctic Missions, Inc., has returned to the States to set up AMI headquarters in Portland, Ore. The Sudan Interior Mission has elect­ ed its third general director in 64 years. Succeeding Rev. G. W. Playfair is A. D. Helser, Ph.D., erstwhile mis­ sionary to Nigeria w ith his wife, a teacher and registered nurse. The Un­ evangelized Fields Mission’s founder- director, Dr. E. J. Pudney, has stepped into retirement, to be succeeded by Rev. Ralph Odman, missionary to Haiti. Bom to Evangelist and Mrs. Billy Gra­ ham, a son, in Asheville, N.C. Their fifth child, second son. Named Nelson Edman for Dr. L. Nelson Bell, maternal grandfather (executive editor, Chris­ tianity Today), and Dr. V. Raymond Edman, president, Wheaton College.

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The King's Business/Februory 1958

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