Hart Family Dental Fall 2017



Restful sleep is a huge part of the fueling our body to perform at our best. Do you ever wake up and think, “I feel like I just laid down!” or “WHY is my alarm clock already going off?” When you are not filling your tank with deep rest, you feel it in every area of your life. Sleep disorders are an incredibly common disruption many people face. It is estimated that 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, a disorder that results in disrupted breathing while sleeping. Often ignored or dismissed as no big deal, sleep apnea can be eased with an easy-to-use oral appliance, fit to your mouth, much like a night guard, to align your jaw in the perfect position. What would your day-to-day life look like if you approached every day well-rested? One simple and affordable sleep study can make way for more energy to hit the gym, take that walk with your family in the evenings, or be more focused at work, so you can spend more time doing what you love.

Investing in your heath is as simple as saying “I deserve to feel better!” Call us today to discuss a plan to make your alarm clock sound much sweeter tomorrow! STAFF SPOTLIGHT: CARA

Cara joined our practice in 2015. She loves being a part of an awesome team and sharing the passion and vision of Dr. Hart and Karisa to provide our patients with the best dental care possible. Her positive and upbeat personality always helps our patients feel warm and welcome. Cara has a Bachelor of Science degree. Her favorite activities include spending time with her husband and son, spending time with her other family and friends, and discovering new places on road trips and family vacations. The next time you are in the office, be sure to say hello to Cara! She will be the first face you see welcoming you to Hart Dental.

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