Steering Committee Update - GGA Strategic Articulation Map



BE THE LEADING EDGE of redefining philanthropy’s role in Georgia to mobilize every form of capital (SMIRF=social, moral, intellectual, reputational, financial) and apply Passing Gear principles to ensure positive and equitable impact

THINK BIG (By 2026 we will see)

START SMALL (By December 2022, we will see)

SCALE FAST (By 2024, we will see)

GGA gets behind and fuels Passing Gear and social impact investment leaders while also recruiting more foundation SMIRF (within and into Georgia). GGA boosts a virtuous cycle specific to its policy priorities by linking funders to investment priorities to grantees to impact opportunities to stories. GGA members achieve their missions and advance equitable solutions by embracing shared data, applying SMIRF tools, and using new communication technologies to foster a learning community.

GGA is the sought-out partner for local and national social impact and SMIRF-oriented funders and groups.

Alongside key partners, GGA generates a drumbeat about Passing Gear Philanthropy and SMIRF.

GGA issues a joint report with MDC, SECF, and GSIC that documents how philanthropy is closing gaps in Georgia.

GGA is the place that you come to see where your work can connect to the larger Georgia ecosystem and then GGA will help you get there.

GGA members describe how their SMIRF is at work in Georgia.

GGA helps convert SMIRF ideas into action and action into results for Georgia issues while capturing and telling those local case studies and stories.

GGA participants pursue the “multiplier effect” of foundations aligning with other investors and public capital to catalyze equitable outcomes.

GGA promotes (3-4) specific opportunities for foundation SMIRF to make a difference in specific Georgia communities.

Facilitate by GGA, Georgia’s community foundations lead the region in Passing Gear Philanthropy.



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