Steering Committee Update - GGA Strategic Articulation Map



FLIP THE PHILANTHROPY NORM FROM EXCLUSIVE TO RADICALLY INCLUSIVE Our value added through GGA is higher, the more funders we have at the table. We create more synergy between funders and with key partners. We will uplift other’s voices - always having Inclusion at the center.

THINK BIG (By 2026 we will see)

START SMALL (By December 2022, we will see)

SCALE FAST (By 2024, we will see)

GGA is the preeminent resource for aspirational, connected, and knowledgeable philanthroapic leaders working in Georgia.

GGA is the learning center for funders working in Georgia to gain timely insights and grow their skills around our through lines (racial equity, civic engagement, environmental sustainability).

GGA participants have chosen learning and project goals and are tracking progress and experiences with certifications and digital badges.

GGA convenes ANY AND ALL funders in Georgia to ensure its reach into all Georgia communities.

GGA is a known quantity to the entire funder community working in Georgia and its key partners by being responsive to the way we collectively address issues using philanthropy.

GGA has a strategy to reach untapped funders working in Georgia that and works intentionally to engage them (make room for everyone at the table).

GGA has formally developed it’s ‘network of networks’ with tools and communication mediums that promote the rapid and transparent exchange of information about issues and strategies in Georgia.

Grantmakers are well networked, know each other, and USE those relationships to do their work.

Philanthropy leaders in GA are easily able to query interest areas and quickly connect with colleagues and partners to explore strategies or access guidance.



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