QCM Training Brochure 2025

O-007 Air Operation and Aircrew Regulation

In this three-day course, participants will learn about the latest requirements of EASA Regulations for Air Operation and Aircrew, and associated Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for Commercial Air Transport and Commercial Operations of operators with motor-powered aeroplanes.


To familiarize participants with the latest requirements of the EASA Air Operation Regulation (EU) 965/2012 including all current amendments, Aircrew Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 including all current amendments and its associated AMCs and GMs for Commercial Air Transport and Commercial Operations of operators with motor-powered aeroplanes. • Operators of Commercial Air Transport for aeroplanes: Management, Nominated Persons Flight Operations and/or Crew Training, Compliance Monitoring staff (Quality staff), and Cabin Crew Management • Inspectors from National Aviation Authorities, Flight Operations, and/or Training Departments • International Organizations operating in European aviation environment, or training for this environment

Target Group/s



Key Topics

This course covers: • Detailed review and the development of EASA OPS (EU) 965/2012 and its associated AMC and GM • Annex I – Definitions for Annexes II to VIII, Annex III – Part- ORO (organization requirements for commercial air transport operators), Annex IV – Part-CAT, (technical requirements for commercial air transport operations with aeroplanes), Annex V – Part-SPA (requirements for operations requiring specific approval) • Review and the development of EASA FCL (EU) 1178/2011 and its amendments (commercial and multi-pilot operations aeroplane only) • Annex I Part FCL, Annex IV Part-Medical, Annex V Part Cabin Crew, Annex VI Authority requirements for Aircrew, Annex VII Part ORA (organization requirements for organizations approved under the Aircrew regulation) • Associated AMCs and GMs • Regulatory update and current legal status

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