QCM Training Brochure 2025

Q-004 Auditor Refresher

This course provides auditors with an update on the requirements for Safety and Quality Management/Compliance Monitoring Systems in various EU regulations, and provides an opportunity for participants to exchange and discuss experiences in these areas.

This one-day course expands on the knowledge of auditors who have already attended a basic training for Internal Auditors (e.g. Q-003), and who would like to exchange their experiences with other auditors. Participants are expected to contribute to the course with their own professional experiences, and work on practical tasks. As much as is possible, the training needs of the participants will be identified and considered throughout the course.


Target Group/s

Qualified and experienced Internal Auditors for Quality Management/Compliance Monitoring Systems.


Experience and knowledge concerning Quality Auditing/ Compliance Monitoring

Key Topics

• Changes in the relevant requirements of relevant Commission Regulations • Refresher on Audit Techniques and Root Cause Analysis • Exchange of experiences related to the auditing process and its related tools

Regulatory Basis of the course

Commission Regulations


On request


1 day

84 / 97


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