Payroll Assurance Scheme (PAS)
The prestigious gold standard accreditation for your payroll processes and people Developed in partnership with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and launched in 2012, the PAS is the only industry kitemark to ensure your payroll processes and people are compliant and robust. Examining over 60 facets of your payroll operations, the scheme is consistently evolving and not only shows that lifelong learning and development is planned and encouraged, but that you’re dedicated to compliance and best practice in payroll, a huge accolade for staff, as well as ensuring procurement is much easier.
Every issue we want to recognise and celebrate those organisations which have successfully achieved, or retained, their accreditation. This month we would like to congratulate: Business Services Organisation - Payroll Service Centre (new accreditation) Dumfries and Galloway Council (re-accreditation). Our chief executive officer, Jason Davenport, said, “ Huge congratulations to all the organisations that have achieved their PAS accreditation and re-accreditation. This process takes time and effort but is crucial in demonstrating commitment to your teams, customers and to the payroll industry.”
TESTIMONIALS Hear from a few of our accredited organisations on how PAS has benefited their organisation
Historic England:
Telefonica UK Ltd:
“At Historic England we pride ourselves on our professionalism and dedication to compliance and best practice. Achieving this prestigious accreditation has been important in reinforcing our existing customers’ confidence in the services we provide. This has been a real boost for our team and organisation, and we are very excited for our future.”
“To be awarded the PAS is such a huge honour. It showcases to the business that the function is dedicated to compliance and best payroll practice, as well as the commitment to continuous learning. We have maintained our accreditation by focusing on the strong collaboration we have with our offshore partners, continued improvements and ensuring that our processes are relevant and robust to support change, policy and our people. I would encourage all payroll departments to strive for this award.”
Louise Higgs ACIPP, payroll manager
Julia Watkin MSc FCIPPdip, payroll strategy & transformation manager
Visit , email, or scan the QR code to find out how the PAS accreditation can help you
| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | October 2024 | Issue 104 28
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