
“The team takes the time to get to know you, your family, and the issues you have.”

Innovative, clean and cutting-edge solutions to your electric problems is another aspect that sets Condor Electric Inc. apart in the industry. Donnie goes on to say, “The team takes the time to get to know you, your family, and the issues you have. They understand that the problems are either deeper, or, more simple than they appear at first glance, and they will work diligently and walk you through several suitable scenarios that will help you arrive at the place you need to be, while doing so in the most innovative way possible.” There are no cutting corners with Condor Electric Inc. Donnie and the team hold themselves to the highest quality of work, and will ensure that your project is done efficiently, with diligence and care. Clean lines and aesthet- ics are just as important as the technical aspect of the job. Not only for the here and now, but also for the future - a job done right the first time makes renovation or resale much easier.

There are many alternative and supple- mentary heating solutions aside from oil and baseboard electric. Condor Electric Inc. can provide you with a full home assessment and prepare a solution that will ensure your home is comfortable, and that you can heat your dwelling as efficiently and cost effective as possible. From Electrical Thermal Storage units, which allow you to take advantage of time-of-day heating rates, to Heat pumps which are over 100% efficient, to Solar arrays which harvest the power of the sun, Condor Electric Inc. has many options and zones of expertise to guide you to the solution that best suits your home and family.

Sustainability is a paramount concern for Condor Electric Inc., both from a provincial energy standpoint, but also from the viewpoint of local small businesses. The company focuses on Solar as a sustainable and renewable source of energy for its customers. Donnie expanded on this by saying, “With the ease of install, limited space needed, and fast return on investment, it is a per-

JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 • SPOTLIGHT ON BUSINESS MAGAZINE fectly simple and streamlined approach for resi- dential and commercial customers to take a step forward into the future of renewable resources.” Donnie added, “Supporting small businesses, such as Condor Electric Inc. keeps money within your community. Whenever possible, Condor Electric Inc. supports other small businesses within its business and personal transactions. By




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