Water & Wastewater Asia September/October 2024


Driving innovation in the water sector: Isle Utilities’ role in expanding cleantech solutions

In the water industry, innovation is not merely about developing new technologies. It is about ensuring that these innovations are integrated, adopted, and scaled within the market. Isle — through the Technology Approval Group (TAG), the Trial Reservoir, and a suite of consultancy services — plays a crucial role in supporting water utilities and cleantech companies for this journey. Isle facilitates the growth and expansion of water technologies, providing a structured pathway from concept to commercialisation. TAG: A FRAMEWORK FOR TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION TAG is Isle’s flagship programme dedicated to systematically evaluating and accelerating the adoption of emerging water technologies. More than just an innovation forum; it is a structured framework that unites water utilities, industrial users, and technology developers. Through TAG, water utilities and industrial clients can more efficiently identify, assess, and implement new technologies. The programme fosters a peer-to-peer environment where participating utilities can review technologies, share resources, and exchange knowledge, ensuring that promising solutions are not only identified but are also integrated into the water sector. The TAG process begins with Isle’s global team of technology scouts, who are dedicated to identifying and tracking the latest market innovations. These innovations are then curated into a list for client members to review and vote on. Selected technologies are invited to present their pitches during TAG forums. The TAG process begins with a detailed assessment of each technology’s readiness, including an evaluation of technical specifications, performance data,

Erin Zhang, head of technology advisory and adoption, Isle Utilities, leads discussion at the European TAG forum in November 2023 (Image: Isle Utilities)

and scalability. Isle’s experts collaborate with technology providers to ensure that each technology is presented accurately, showcasing its innovative aspects while addressing potential adoption challenges. During the TAG forums, water utilities and industry clients provide feedback on the applicability of these technologies and discuss any possible integration challenges. This direct engagement between technology providers and end-users accelerates the adoption of solutions that have been rigorously vetted for both technical feasibility and market relevance. It operates across key markets including Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australia. TRIAL RESERVOIR: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN INNOVATION AND IMPLEMENTATION While TAG helps in identifying and assessing new technologies, the Trial

Reservoir addresses a critical barrier to their adoption — the financial risk associated with real-world trials. The Trial Reservoir is a funding mechanism that provides loans to technology companies operating at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8 or 9. These loans enable companies to conduct trials in operational environments, reducing the financial burden on both the technology provider and the end-user. One of its key features is its approach to risk mitigation. The financial risk of the trial is transferred from the technology company and the end-user to the reservoir itself. Before the trial begins, key performance indicators (KPIs) are established, with both parties agreeing on the desired outcomes. If the trial meets its KPIs, the end-user commits to adopting the technology, and the vendor repays the loan back into the Trial Reservoir. Conversely, if the trial does not meet the KPIs, the loan is written off, freeing both parties from financial liability.

Water & Wastewater Asia | September-October 2024 13

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