Water & Wastewater Asia September/October 2024


product configuration according to the required capacity, like assembling Lego blocks,” he added. In the market, modular design is cost-competitive in large-scale projects ranging from 10,000 -20,000m 3 /day to 100,000-200,000m 3 /day. Container facilities are also comparable in its efficiency to large-capacity facilities. However, if a large capacity is needed, the number of modules is increased, with the capacity range gradually increasing, he added. “Danfoss proposes the most efficient and reliable products for various operating conditions by installing multiple pumps in parallel rather than one large pump,” he said. “In the case of energy recovery devices, a motor is installed in the most efficient isobaric pressure exchanger. We can supply products that enable reliable starting, operation control, and monitoring.” In addition, there are challenges such as providing solutions that can be used for wastewater treatment and ultra-high pressure RO. “We have various ultra-high pressure pumps that can be applied not only to the seawater desalination sector, but also to wastewater treatment and brine mining, where the market is gradually expanding,” he said. HOW DANFOSS HIGH PRESSURE PUMPS REDUCED WATER SCARCITY IN TAIWAN In 2021, Taiwan’s government issued its first red alert on water supply in six years, warning that reservoirs in several parts of

APP pumps are axial piston type volumetric pumps that show uniformly high efficiency across all operating capacities (Image: Danfoss)

central Taiwan are running dangerously low. This put pressure on the tech and semiconductor industries, as chip production requires massive amounts of water, and authorities have already cut supplies to agriculture to support industrial and residential use. Due to fewer seasonal rainfalls and severe droughts, the government tightened the water use in several cities that are home to a cluster of important manufacturers, so the industry needed to secure a consistent water supply from local municipalities. As Taiwan is reportedly one of the world’s most important sources of advanced chips and semiconductors, this would gravely affect the country’s economy. Its state water company thus initiated urgent seawater desalination projects, and Danfoss high pressure pumps contributed to sustainable clean water supply with low energy consumption, reliability, and quick delivery. Lee secured the order.

water supplies using the seawater from 2021. We supplied pumps and energy recovery devices to the Hsinchu project in December 2021,” said Lee. “The capacity of the system is 13,000m 3 /day for which the government approved an emergency plan to build a desalination plant in less than 70 days. In 2022, we received another order for a 13,000m 3 /day project in Taichung, Taiwan. All projects related to water scarcity require quick delivery and extremely high quality.” “This is a typical case of an emergency water shortage caused by recent environmental crisis, showing us that a modularised container system can be the most efficient and practical solution,” he added. “Last year, there was another severe drought in Tainan, Taiwan and the government decided to move all the containerised SWRO systems to the site. This kind of flexibility and efficiency is the right solution for seasonal drought in the APAC region.”

“With this surface and groundwater shortage, the government prepared urgent

Danfoss produces [a variety] of the most compact size products relative to capacity, so one can easily design the product configuration according to the required capacity, like assembling Lego blocks. Lee HoJae Regional sales manager, Asia-Pacific, Danfoss High Pressure Pumps

Lee HoJae Regional sales manager, Asia-Pacific, Danfoss High Pressure Pumps

Water & Wastewater Asia | September-October 2024 27

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