Water & Wastewater Asia September/October 2024


Biogas expansion increases demand for HRS systems


According to European Biogas Association (EBA), investment in biogas in the EU increased by almost a third this year, which will result in a further 950 biomethane plants by 2030, alongside the 1,300 facilities which are already operational. 1 Additionally, data from the American Biogas Council (ABC) showed that 2023 was the third year of record growth across the US biogas industry, with nearly 100 new projects coming online last year and at least that number of plants slated for this year. 2 Elsewhere, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has highlighted the importance of — and growing demand for — biogas in Asia and the Pacific. 3 As a result of this rapid growth in the sector, HRS Heat Exchangers is seeing increased demand for its dedicated systems for biogas and anaerobic digestion (AD), and in particular its Biogas Dehumidification System (BDS). “In the last 12 months we have delivered a number of BDS systems to clients around the world,” said Antonio Guillermo Jara Ponce, systems sales manager at HRS Heat Exchangers. “The benefits of removing moisture from biogas in terms of plant performance and operational longevity are now well understood by the industry, and so we are seeing more plants specify these systems from the beginning.”


“However, we are also seeing strong demand for retrofit

38 Water & Wastewater Asia | September-October 2024

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