Kid Scoop News—July 2024


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Amazingly large fruits and vegetables are somehow grown every year. Their weights and sizes are reported to the Guinness World Records . This book, full of astonishing information, can be found at your local library.

Pierce the sweet potato with three evenly spaced toothpicks to hold it up in a jar.

Put the potato, small end down, into the jar as shown.

Fill the jar with enough water to keep the bottom of the sweet potato wet.

Unscramble the letters to discover which fruits and vegetables check in at these weights:

Put the jar in a dark place. In a few weeks, the potato will grow roots. Change the water every couple of days.

Once roots are growing, move the jar to a sunny window. In a week or so, the potato will sprout leaves from the top.

Once a vine has grown to about six inches long, you can pinch it off and plant it in your yard. Sweet potatoes grow in about four months.

A Guinness World Record for the largest salad was set in BJJG by the people of a small agricultural community in Israel. Residents prepared a BB,FAI pound, F ounce ( AJ,BFJ kg) salad, using lettuce they had grown themselves. Servings of the salad were sold, raising over $ BE,JJJ to benefit a village for young adults suffering from severe disabilities.

Use the code to discover the numbers in this story.

Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Use general strategies of the reading process to comprehend expository text.

© Vicki Whiting July 2024

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