Kid Scoop News—July 2024


A WANT is something you would like to have, but can live without. A music player, computer, television, and bike are wants not needs.

A NEED is something you must have in order to survive. You need shelter, clothing, food, water and sometimes medicine.

Just like people, raccoons have things they need to survive. Raccoons that live in the wild also like things they don’t need to survive. Some of these “wants” can be dangerous to a raccoon.

This raccoon needs fruit, but he wants candy, which isn’t good for him. Look at each picture next to the raccoon. Write the word NEED next to each picture that shows something a raccoon needs to survive.

Write the word WANT next to each picture that shows something a raccoon might want, but not need. Standards Link: Economics: Differentiate between wants and needs.

Shelter is a need . Raccoons prefer living in wooded areas where they make their homes or dens in the hollow parts of trees, as well as in abandoned burrows. Why do you think a raccoon would like its home to be in a hollow up high in a tree? Today, raccoons also can be found in areas where people live. They sometimes make their homes in man-made structures like attics, sewers, barns, and sheds. Raccoon Shelter

Circle every other letter to reveal another raccoon need.

Help this little raccoon nd its way home.

© Vicki Whiting July 2024

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