Kid Scoop News—July 2024


Stu you’ll need: Harness Sun Power to Cook Up a Tasty Treat

EDITOR’S PICK by Vicki Whiting, Kid Scoop News A Mario and the Aliens By Carolina Zanotti Illustrated by Thai My Phuong book to get kids reading and then headed outdoors! Mario and the Aliens is about three aliens who visit the tech-obsessed Mario and ask to learn what Earth children do for fun. When Mario shows o

paper and foil mun liners

chocolate squares

graham crackers

mun pan


Line half of your muffin cups with paper liners and the other half with foil liners. Put a marshmallow in each cup and top with a square of chocolate. Place the pan in direct sunlight and observe (watch). Record your observations on the Scientist’s Log at right. Once the chocolate melts, place the marshmallow and chocolate between two graham crackers and enjoy!



What happens after one minute?


What happens after two minutes?

his computer, the aliens are unimpressed since they already have tons of technology back home. The aliens are more interested in learning about OUTDOOR play. So Mario


Which chocolate squares melt faster, those in the paper cups, or the ones in the foil lined cups? Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow multiple-step written directions. paper foil

quickly learns to play outside alongside his new alien friends, enjoying real toys like balls, bikes and dolls. As a result, Mario is left with a newfound love of outdoor play and three new friends! There are several life lessons to be gleaned from this children's book, including: • Helping children understand the concept of unplugging • Learning the joys of outdoor play • The magic of friendship and playing together

SUNNY WORDS FOR JULY Ask your child: How many words can you come up with that contain the word “sun” inside? Get started with these:

• Sunbelt - Any of the southern and southwestern states of the United States • Sunbonnet - A bonnet for ladies with a wide brim framing the face and a rue at the back of the neck to protect from the sun • Sunder - To break or tear apart • Sundial - An instrument used to show what time of day it is by the shadow on a horizontal surface

Can you nd the meaning of these sunny words? Use the dictionary to nd more!

© Vicki Whiting July 2024

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