Kid Scoop News—July 2024


2,500 People Live in Australia’s Underground Town

You may find the Australian town of Coober Pedy on the map, but it is hard to see when you get there. Why? The entire town with 2,500 plus residents live underground.

In 1915, when opal was discov- ered there, people came from across the country and the world to mine the precious stone. Soon they found out that while working under the ground was easy, living above it was not, thanks to the extreme temperatures. The miners adapted to the harsh environment by converting old mines into homes and establishing the world’s first, and most likely

The view from above ground at Coober Pedy.

only, underground town. As years have gone by, the homes have become bigger and more modern. There are now also several hotels and inns for the tourists that flock in from all over the world to see this unusual town. The insides of the homes have walls that showcase the beautiful under- ground red-rock colors. They have walk-in closets, modern kitchens, and televisions. And if that is not enough, the town also has gift shops selling opal jewelry, a couple of museums, and a church. One part of the town is above ground—its golf course. Golfers carry a small piece of turf from hole to hole. On days when its too hot, golfers play at night using “glow in the dark” golf balls.

Cave sweet cave!

An underground gift shop.

There’s even an underground church at Coober Pedy.

© Vicki Whiting July 2024

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