Kid Scoop News—July 2024


In legends about King Arthur, he has a magical sword called Excalibur . What was its magic? Legends describe Excalibur as a sword with a magic, unbreakable blade, fashioned by an elf

swordsmith. It has a scabbard that would protect the person wearing it from all harm.

According to the legend, Arthur became king when he was able to pull a sword from a stone when no one else could, even older and stronger knights. This was Arthur’s first sword, but it was not Excalibur.

Because Excalibur is a sword of legend, it can look any way you wish. Decorate and color this big sword to look the way you think Excalibur could look.

Replace the missing words.

The sword from the stone was broken in a battle Arthur had with a knight named Pellinore. Arthur’s friend, the magician Merlin, took him to a magical lake where the mysterious

To be a knight at King Arthur’s Round Table was the greatest ________ and it wasn’t easy to earn. The knights had to vow to live pure ________, to speak the __________, to fight for the right, and to be _____________ to the King. Many knights came to serve King Arthur and they all wanted to be __________ at the “head” of the table. King Arthur had a ________ table built for his knights to stop their quarreling.

Lady of the Lake, Vivian, gave Excalibur to Arthur.

Can you nd the two identical swords?

How many crowns can you nd on these pages?

© Vicki Whiting July 2024

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