He is full of praise for the role Drakenstein Municipality plays in making working here easy for developers. “With such a project there is a need for a thorough process and we understand that. We had cooperation from the Municipality right from the start. They, as far as it was possible, accelerated the processes for us. “It is a time-consuming process when you need the input or comments of external role-players such as the Municipality and the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works. As far as the Municipality is concerned, we are happy with the relationship and the way they make it easier for us to do what we need to do.” Alderman Conrad Poole, Executive Mayor of the Municipality, and Councillor Laurichia van Niekerk, Mayoral Committee Member for Planning and Economic Development, recently undertook a site visit of the Nissan My Ride development.
As far as the Municipality is concerned, we are happy with the relationship and the way they make it easier for us to do what we need to do. “
want to congratulate everybody involved on a fantastic development,” he said. “I want to assure potential investors and developers that we have taken steps to reduce red tape and make it easier for them to do business in Drakenstein. These projects are crucial because they not only create jobs for our residents, but also create an alternate tax revenue stream for the Municipality,” concluded Alderman Poole. „
Alderman Poole was quite impressed. “This project is already worth R61 million and we envisage that the investment will eventually be worth R100 million. We always say Drakenstein Municipality has a bank ‘under the ground’, referring to the loans we took up to invest substantially in infrastructure. “Now we are reaping the benefits of those investments. The ‘bank’ is becoming more and more visible above the ground and we
VARS | July
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