Figure 48. At - grade crossings within 100 feet of greenways 4
Crossings Significance
Evaluation of Existing Conditions Figure 48 shows the location of crossings within 100 feet of existing greenways, and the type of traf- fic control used at each one: none (a marked crossing with no traffic control), rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB, a flashing light that increases visibility of the crossing), or sig- nal (a traffic light to bring vehicles to a stop at the crossing). Some of the most visible paved greenways, includ- ing the Upper Tampa Bay Trail, the US 301 green- way, and the South Coast Greenway, have crossings
Even when sidewalks and bikeways are present, the lack of a safe place to cross the street can discour- age people from walking or biking on the greenway network. Well - designed crossings are an important part of connectivity and of the experience of using the greenway network.
4. Crossings data provided by Hillsborough County, September 2022
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