Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan



The 1995 Greenways Master Plan includes 28 recommendations to grow the County ’ s greenway network. The recommendations and an acknowledgement of their progress are indicated in Figure 53.


Begun or in progress

Not begun

No longer applicable

Figure 53. Greenway policy evaluation and recommendations

Recommendation and Implementing Agency*


GREENWAYS MASTER PLAN Approve the Hillsborough Greenways Master Plan as a vision for establishing a greenway system in Hillsborough County and as a guide to planning, designing, funding, and managing greenways in a manner that reflects the needs and desires of the citizens of Hillsborough County.

The completed plan was adopted on June 6, 1995.

Implementing Agency: Board of County Commissioners

IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK Endorse the establishment of a Greenways Program and a Greenways Committee with the struc- ture and functions described in the Greenways Master Plan, and thereby create a process for implementing the Greenways Master Plan that emphasizes public participation.

The Greenways Committee was formed prior to the 1995 plan and continues to meet regularly. Recommendations regard- ing the committee ’ s functions, such as pro- ducing annual reports, are still under con- sideration.

Implementing Agency: Board of County Commissioners

PUBLIC SUPPORT Work closely with citizens, civic associations, community organizations, landowners, and local business associations to build support for greenways. Inform the community about the Green- ways Master Plan by various means, including preparing and widely distributing a master plan summary.

Public outreach is ongoing. Relationships are established with business associations and user groups, but working with other types of groups, such as Visit Tampa Bay, are future opportunities.

Implementing Agencies: Greenways Committee, Planning and Development Man- agement Department, Parks and Recreation Department

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Amend appropriate Comprehensive Plan policies to reference the Greenways Master Plan, making greenways planning part of the public policy and decision - making process of the Comprehensive Plan.

Greenways have been addressed in the Comprehensive Plan, most often as part of the Mobility Element and the Recreation and Open Space Element.

Implementing Agencies: The Planning Commission, Planning and Development Management Department, Board of County Commissioners

GOVERNMENT COORDINATION Seize opportunities to coordinate with agencies, utility companies, adjacent local governments to implement the Greenways Master Plan by working closely with all entities which could affect greenway planning, such as those involved in transportation, surface water management, utility, environmental, and park planning. Work with those entities to identify and maximize opportuni- ties to better coordinate plans, minimize adverse impacts, and find solutions to meeting green- way objectives.

Early coordination occurred with the Hills- borough Greenways Alliance, and stake- holder agencies continue to participate in the Greenways Committee. Committee members actively participated in Greenways Plan development for the City of Tampa and the Hillsborough TPO. Coordination occurs; however, legal restrictions can pre- vent or interfere with coordination between City and County Committees.

Implementing Agencies: Planning and Development Management Department

* Agency names are as they appear in the 1995 Greenways Master Plan. Some names have changed since that time.



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