Figure 53. Greenway policy evaluation and recommendations (continued)
Recommendation and Implementing Agency*
APPROVE INCENTIVES Actively support the creation of incentives to encourage private participation in establishing green- ways by adopting a resolution in support of the Florida Greenway Commission ’ s recommended initia- tives involving statutory revisions, including the following initiatives: 1. Clarification of tax benefits for lands which contribute to a greenway and benefit the public, including lands owned and managed by private, non - profit organizations and private lands under lease or management agreement;
These incentives are yet to be imple- mented.
2. Ad valorem tax exemption for private landowners who permit public access to greenways; and
3. Expansion on the current liability protection afforded private landowners by offering state - provided defense of participating landowners for wrongful acts or omissions.
Implementing Agencies: County Attorney ’ s Office, Planning and Development Manage- ment Department, Board of County Commissioners
ENDORSE MITIGATION BANKS Encourage and support the siting of upland and wetland mitigation banks, required by various regula- tory programs, at locations within Hillsborough County which would contribute to the development of the greenway system.
Areas have been identified for mitiga- tion banks, but none have yet been established.
Implementing Agencies: Planning and Development Management Department, Environ-
DEVELOPMENT COMPATIBILITY (1 OF 3) Evaluate the Land Development Code and identify any clarifications or restructuring needed to better achieve the objectives of the Greenways Master Plan by using existing regulatory provisions requiring open space and the protection of environmentally sensitive areas. Once needed refinements are identi- fied, amend the Land Development Code to reference the Greenways Master Plan and to explain how existing code provisions can be applied to protect greenways.
This recommendation has been partial- ly completed.
Implementing Agencies: Greenways Committee, Planning and Development Manage- ment Department, Board of County Commissioners
DEVELOPMENT COMPATIBILITY (2 OF 3) During the development review process, accommodate the objectives of the Greenways Master Plan by allowing and supporting the dedication of a drainage or utility right - of - way or easement for greenway purposes as well as for the drainage or utility purposes, in those development projects where the pro- vision of such right - of - way or easement would connect to an existing or planned greenway on adja- cent land.
This recommendation has been partial- ly completed.
Implementing Agency: Planning and Development Management Department
DEVELOPMENT COMPATIBILITY (3 OF 3) Develop and adopt, as a document of the Greenways Master Plan, design guidelines addressing the impacts of public and private development on lands within or adjacent to recreational and natural greenways in a way that ensure compatibility with greenway functions while meeting other public and private objectives.
The Land Development Code includes a requirement for buffers between devel- opment and adjacent recreational or natural greenways. There is also a large buffer for conserved land in certain zones.
Implementing Agencies: Greenways Committee, Planning and Development Manage-
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