Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Figure 53. Greenway policy evaluation and recommendations (continued)

Recommendation and Implementing Agency*


APPROVE PARK SITE OPTION Review the Park Site Improvement Program to determine under what circumstances it would be ap- propriate to allow a developer to provide a recreational greenway in lieu of a neighborhood park. Rec- ommend to the Board of County Commissioners any revisions needed to the Park Site Improvement Ordinance to allow a recreational greenway in lieu of a neighborhood park in appropriate circumstanc- es.

Review and revisions of the Park Site Improvement Program has not begun.

Implementing Agencies: Greenways Committee, Parks and Recreation Department

FUNDING (1 OF 8) Educate the public about greenways and funding needed to acquire, design, construct, and maintain greenway trails.

The Greenways Committee established an Outreach Subcommittee and a Speakers Bureau after the adoption of the 1995 plan. Staff and committee outreach to the public is continuous and ongoing.

Implementing Agency: Greenways Committee

FUNDING (2 OF 8) Survey the public to determine whether support exists for increasing local taxes to fund greenway trails and which funding option, if any, the public would support.

Local dedicated taxes, in addition to ad valorem, have been considered; howev- er, surveys and ballot measures have not shown strong support. No local taxes to fund greenways are currently in effect.

Implementing Agency: Greenways Committee

FUNDING (3 OF 8) Analyze the results of the survey called for in the recommendation above, explore funding options, and develop a financial plan of action for generating local revenues to be dedicated to funding greenway trail acquisition, design, construction, and maintenance.

This recommendation has not been implemented.

Implementing Agency: Building Department

FUNDING (4 OF 8) Consider placing a separate referendum on the ballot or join with other referendum efforts to deter- mine whether voters would approve a specific tax proposal to generate local revenues to fund green- way trail acquisition, design, construction, and maintains.

Local taxes have been considered; how- ever, surveys and ballot measures have not shown strong support. No local taxes to fund greenways are currently in effect.

Implementing Agency: Board of County Commissioners

FUNDING (5 OF 8) Nominate to the Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection (ELAP) Program those unprotected, not previously nominated segments of the greenway system which appear to meet the ELAP qualifying criteria. Advocate a high acquisition priority for those approved ELAP sites which contribute to the establishment of the greenway system.

The ELAPP priority acquisition map nominates opportunity areas for acqui- sition, many of which align with the 1995 vision for natural corridors.

Implementing Agency: Greenways Committee



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