Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Figure 53. Greenway policy evaluation and recommendations (continued)

Recommendation and Implementing Agency*


FUNDING (6 OF 8) Involve all entities responsible for management and enforcement when planning greenway operation- al budgets.

This recommendation has been fully implemented.

Implementing Agency: Parks and Recreation Department

FUNDING (7 OF 8) Seek private dollars to enhance County - owned greenways in conjunction with other park enhance- ment efforts, such a “ Sponsor - A - Park ” and “ Enrich - A - Park ” programs.

This recommendation has been fully implemented.

Implementing Agency: Parks and Recreation Department

FUNDING (8 OF 8) Actively support the greenway funding recommendations of the Florida Greenways Commission by adopting a resolution in support of the following funding recommendations: 1. The State of Florida should work with public and private partners to establish and support a long - term funding source to acquire, develop, and maintain all types of greenways which con- tribute to the completion of a statewide greenway system. 2. The State should achieve full - funding of the Florida Communities Trust (FCT) so that the pro- gram can implement its entire statutory mission, which includes funding for land acquisitions and technical assistance to protect and manage urban greenways and open space. 3. The State should better link CARL, SOR, and FCT funding to the purchase of lands critical to the completion of a statewide greenway system. 4. The State should encourage FDOT District Offices and the Metropolitan Planning Organizations to allocate more than minimum 10 percent of Surface Transportation Program funds for ISTEA enhancement activities to fund the acquisition and development of greenways and trails that are part of the statewide greenway system (including urban greenways) and function as alter- native transportation routes. 5. The State should develop a point - system for the CARL, SOR, FCT, and ISTEA programs that give a higher ranking to projects which have matching funds and would contribute to the comple- tion of a statewide greenway system.

SUN Trail priority corridors have been identified and grant funding applied for. Funding is received through the Florida Communities Trust grant pro- gram.

Implementing Agencies: County Attorney ’ s Office, Planning and Development Manage- ment Department, Board of County Commissioners budgets.

PHASING Phase development of the recreational corridors of the greenway system by the following means: 1. Prioritize recreational segments by using the prioritization process described in the Greenways Master Plan; and 2. Develop five - year budgets for recreational segments, including the estimated capital costs for land acquisition and trail design and construction and the estimated operational costs to main- tain the facility.

Trails that are part of this Master Plan ’ s vision have been prioritized. The Hills- borough Greenways Committee selects priority projects annually.

Implementing Agency: Greenways Committee



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