Figure 53. Greenway policy evaluation and recommendations (continued)
Recommendation and Implementing Agency*
DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Demonstrate the benefits of greenways by completing the planning, design, and construction of Town ‘ N ’ Country Linear Park, between Sheldon Road and Sweetwater Creek, as the first project.
The Town ‘ N ’ Country Greenway has been fully implemented and opened to the public.
Implementing Agencies: Planning and Development Management Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Road and Street Department
EDUCATE RISK MANAGEMENT Undertake risk management identification, evaluation and treatment at all phases of site planning, design, and management of County - owned or leased greenways, as part of the County ’ s on - going efforts to provide safe parks and open spaces for the public ’ s use.
This recommendation has been fully implemented.
Implementing Agency: Parks and Recreation Department
SURVEY TRAIL USE CONFLICTS Develop and adopt a trail user ordinance aimed at minimizing use conflicts and ensuring the safety of people and protection of natural resources. Adequately fund monitoring and enforcement.
This recommendation has been fully implemented.
Implementing Agencies: Greenways Committee, Parks and Recreation Department, Board of County Commissioners
ANALYZE HISTORIC PRESERVATION Coordinate with the Historic Presentation Board to ensure historic structures, historic trails, and archae- ological sites are adequately protected and appropriately incorporated into the greenway system.
This recommendation has been fully implemented.
Implementing Agency: Parks and Recreation Department
This recommendation has been fully implemented.
If adequate facilities to serve the needs of greenways users for commercial services exist or can feasibly be developed by the private sector outside the boundaries of the greenway system, do not use conces- sions to provide such facilities within the greenway system.
Implementing Agency: Parks and Recreation Department
CONCESSIONS (2 OF 3) Where services cannot be provided by the private sector on lands adjacent to a greenway, limit conces- sions to those necessary and appropriate for public use and enjoyment of the greenway and consistent with its preservation, conservation, and recreational function system.
This is standard practice for the Conser- vation and Environmental Lands Man- agement Department.
Implementing Agency: Greenways Committee
This recommendation has been fully implemented.
Develop and follow guidelines and procedures similar to the Florida Division of Recreation and Parks and the National Park Service for choosing and permitting concessioners.
Implementing Agency: Parks and Recreation Department
VOLUNTEERS Recruit volunteer and a volunteer coordinator through the Volunteer in Public Service (VIPS) Program to help maintain greenways and promote and oversee volunteer efforts.
This recommendation has been fully implemented.
Implementing Agency: Parks and Recreation Department
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