Community Listening Sessions In summer 2022, the County held four Community Listening Sessions to learn about how people use County greenways and would like to use greenways in the future, including ideas for new greenways and suggestions for creating ideal green- ways. After a presentation about the plan update process and what greenways means in Hillsborough County, the partici- pants circulated to information stations to review data, ask questions, and discuss possibilities with the County team and oth- er participants. For the public ’ s conven- ience, the sessions (see listing below) took place in different locations of the county and on different days of the week. • July 26 Community Listening Session. The event was held at the Bloomindale Re- gional Library in Valrico and started at 6:30 p.m. • July 27 Community Listening Session . The event was held at the SouthShore Regional Library in Sun City Center and started at 6:00 p.m. • July 28 Community Listening Session . The event was held at 6:30 p.m. at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library in the Carroll- wood/Northdale area. • August 1 Community Listening Session . The event started at 6:30 p.m. and was hosted on an online meeting platform. Community Vision Workshops During these community workshops, at- tendees were invited to review and com- ment on the draft Greenways Vision Map and performance measures for determining greenways priorities. The attendees were also invited to complete a survey, which included a visual preference survey, on the County ’ s engagement hub. The visual pref- erence survey contained a variety of imag- es depicting greenway design features ac- companied by a rating scale of – 5 (“ dislike very much ”) to +5 (“ like very much ”). • November 9 Workshop. The workshop was held at 6:30 p.m. via an online meeting platform. • November 15 Workshop . The workshop was held at 6:30 p.m. at the Blooming- dale Regional Library in Valrico. • November 16 Workshop . The workshop was held at 6:30 p.m. at the Jimmie B.
When the County Commission established the Hillsborough Greenways Program in 1995, the Hillsborough Greenways Committee (HGC) was also established to serve as an implementing body for the program. The HGC considers issues relating to the imple- mentation of the Hillsborough Greenways and Trails Master Plan and is responsible for making recommendations to the County Com- mission regarding those issues. HGC member- ship includes local citizens and representatives of local governments and utility companies. The HGC has 19 voting members, including 12 citizens, three municipal representatives, one County representative, and three utility agency representatives.
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