The Vision Plan was developed through extensive stakeholder engagement during the summer and fall of 2022. Its two main components are the Vision Plan map series, which shows the envisioned greenway network, and the objectives, which describe how the Vision should be realized. The Vision Plan includes paved greenways, unpaved greenways, blueways, and natural corridors. The Hills- borough County paved greenway vision connects the existing facilities throughout the county into a com- prehensive network spanning the entire county with an additional 289 miles of trails. In addition to long - standing projects like connecting the Upper Tampa Bay Trail, the vision includes connections proposed in community plans, as well as connections with in - development trails in municipalities, like the Plant City Greenway. Unpaved trails provide recreational opportunities through parks and along waterways. The vision for Hillsborough County ’ s unpaved trail network creates 121 miles of new connections within and between conserved land throughout Hillsborough County.
The blueways in the vision network, if imple- mented, would add 37 miles of new paddling trails, connect the Alafia River and the Little Manatee River all the way to Tampa Bay, and provide new blueway connections through Up- per Tampa Bay Park. Blueway implementation includes the construction of launches and the placement of navigational signs and markers along the route. The Vision also includes Natural Corridor Op- portunity Areas. These lands are approved sites for the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acqui- sition and Protection Program (ELAPP), and in- dicate locations where land may be conserved in the future. These areas form part of the vi- sion for natural corridors, which are intended to function primarily to protect natural resources and to provide passive recreation.
Facility Type
Existing Miles (as of March 2023)
Total Vision Plan Miles at Buildout
Paved Greenways
Unpaved Greenways 367
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