Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Plan Name and Planning Agency/Body


(shown in chronological order)

Hillsborough Greenways Master Plan (1995)

• Developed goals and objectives for a greenway system in Hillsborough County • Identified five recreational corridors and five natural corridors comprising the greenway system • Included a comprehensive set of recommendations, strate- gies, and actions to implement the greenway system, as well as general guidance for designing and managing greenways • Sought to identify recreational opportunities including trails across multiple large and contiguous publicly-owned proper- ties in Northwest Hillsborough County • Focused on County-owned or managed sites bounded by Race Track Road, North Mobley Road, Gunn Highway and what is not the Citrus Park Drive Extension • Extensive review of existing conditions, analysis of opportuni- ties and constraints, public participation and stakeholder en- gagement resulted in development of design concept that included paved and unpaved trail facilities throughout the study area • Sought to identify ways to connect recreational elements in the southern part of Hillsborough County via an off-road multi- use trail system linked to a bicycle-pedestrian enhanced transportation network • Focused on analyzing two corridors proposed in the 1995 master plan: the South Coast Greenway and the Cross Coun- ty Greenway • Extensive review of existing conditions, analysis of opportuni- ties and constraints, and evaluation of survey results and stakeholder responses resulted in development of design con- cepts for the two corridors and actions for implementation Summary of 22 community plans made by the various com- munities that make up Unincorporated Hillsborough County • Most of the community plans indicate support for the Green- ways and Trails Master Plan. Some of the plans include vi- sions for greenways that meet specific needs in those com- munities. When specific greenway visions were mentioned, they were carried forward into this Master Plan update’s eval- uation • Sought to unify the Hillsborough Greenways Master Plan and the City of Tampa Greenways and Trails Master Plan (2000). • Regional approach to trail and greenway planning, identifying connections from Hillsborough County to Pasco, Polk, Pinel- las, and Manatee Counties • Identified ten priority trails, including four in unincorporated Hillsborough County, along with funding sources and steps for moving forward • Focused on paved greenways

Hillsborough County GreenwaysAdvisory Committee

Northwest Recreational Corridor Plan (2005)

Hillsborough County

South County Recreational Corridor Plan (2007)

Hillsborough County

Future of Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan for Unincor- porated Hillsborough County, Livable Communities Ele- ment (Community Plans adopted 2008 – 2015) Hillsborough Planning Commission •

Greenways and Trails Plan Update (2016)

Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO, now the Hillsborough Transportation Planning Organiza- tion, TPO)



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