Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Plan Name and Planning Agency/Body


(shown in chronological order)

CELM Department Master Plan (2017) “The Tampa Bay Wilderness Area – on the ‘Wild Side’ of the Bay” Hillsborough County Conservation and Environmental Lands Management (CELM) •

A 26-year master plan for the Tampa Bay Wilderness Area (TBWA), a vision to manage and promote the conservation lands in Hillsborough County as a single wilderness destina- tion comprised of an interconnected network of sites connect- ed by trails, greenways, and blueways • Identifies 10 “Destination Sites” to focus on for planning and marketing • Needs assessment included a countywide survey which gave a “High Priority” rating to boardwalks, unpaved trails (for hik- ing and biking) and multi-use trails • Framework, policies, and strategic direction to guide the stew- ardship of parks, recreation facilities, and activities for the 2017-2027 period • Parks and Recreation Department currently manages 3,236 acres of parkland, 166 parks, and 118 playgrounds, among other facilities • Process included a public survey, which showed that resi- dents ranked “walking and biking trails” as the highest priority facility type for funding by a large margin • Long-range strategic plan with a 20-year horizon to address the ecological, social, economic, and leadership challenges to managing a healthy system of natural areas in an efficient manner within an emerging metropolitan region Studied alignment options for the section of the South Coast Greenway Trail that connects to the Tampa Bypass Canal Trail • Concluded that further analysis should be conducted on key issues • Presents recommendations for increasing recreational facili- ties and opportunities throughout the state of Florida. • Identified “hiking/walking trails” and “biking paths/trails” as among the top priorities in a recreation survey of residents and visitors • Broad recommendations focusing on priority areas of health and wellbeing; public access, accessibility and connectivity; economic opportunities and eco-tourism; and resource man- agement and stewardship

Parks and Recreation Department Master Plan 2017- 2027 Hillsborough County

CELM Strategic Plan (2017) Hillsborough County Conservation and Environmental Lands Management Department (CELM)

South Coast Greenway Trail Alignment Study: Symmes Road to Adamo Drive (2018) Hillsborough MPO •

Recreation in Florida: 2019 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) Florida Department of Environmental Protection



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