Plan Name and Planning Agency/Body
(shown in chronological order)
2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (2019) Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO, now the Hillsborough Transportation Planning Organization, TPO)
• Presents transportation projects to seek funding over the next 25 years, including shared-use non-motorized (SUN) trails • 20% of funding allocated to support “real choices when not driving,” including $190M for multi -use trails and sidepaths • A needs assessment was done to prioritize projects within this investment program, examining population and employment density, access to and from underserved communities, and characteristics of adjacent roadways. • Comprehensive plan to study and appraise outdoor recreation needs of the state • Delineates long-distance regional trail corridors within the Priority Greenways and Trails System, and provides strate- gies to plan, fund, develop, and market these greenways and trails • Seeks to establish partnership agreements with other agen- cies, including local government, to increase the viability of investment in the Florida Greenways and Trails System • Goal 1 of the updated Recreation and Open Space element is to provide a system of parks, preserves, and trails that are accessible and, where feasible, interconnected • The updated Mobility element Objective 5.7 is to “Build a com- prehensive bicycle/pedestrian system, including multi-use trails or side paths… to attract more people to walk and bicy- cle for all trip purposes.” It includes a policy to use trails and shared-use paths to connect schools, neighborhoods, and other destinations
Florida Greenways and Trails System Plan, 2019-2023 Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan Up- date (2021 – present) Hillsborough Planning Commission
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